Sink Or Swim?

A while ago she was feeling better upon hearing all Minerva's enlightening advice's, but why is it that right now she felt miserable again? Why she's miserable---because she has no money?

If she has lots of money, will she feel better?

Hmmm, where to get the money?

There is only one person who has lots of money!

And that person was the same person that hurt her so badly!

And that person happens to be the father of her baby, the one and only mighty and wealthy John!

If she wants to survive...

She must know how to play with the rats and the monkey!

Then all of a sudden she starts laughing hard, so hard that a tear fell from her eyes. She was so amused by the idea that was conceived in her mind a while ago. Just thinking about it, she will play with the rats and the monkey!

She's going crazy!