Complete Package!

Then Minerva continued...

"John is a complete package, he had a good looking face, athletic body, business-minded, wealthy, responsible and kindhearted. While you, dear, you only got your beautiful face to flaunt, yet you are penniless, jobless, and above all, John can easily replace you if he wanted to. There are lots of women who are faring better than you when it comes to good educational attainment, jobs, family background and status in society. In short, John has everything, he is considered a good catch by every woman's standard, but you dear is replaceable. Don't wait for the time that John will no longer love you and he will find a more agreeable and desirable woman to replace you in his heart. Remember you have everything to lose if you leave John and everything to gain if you marry him. Choose wisely my dearest," said Minerva.

Catherine took a deep breath and focus her eyes on the ocean view.