Easy As 123!

The next day...

Catherine woke up late again. As usual, she was alone in bed. Maybe John was already back in the Jade Tower reporting to his office.

Damn! She forgot to tell him about her mother's birthday celebration, she sighed.

That will be next week. Although she already bought a gift for her mother she still needs to ask John's permission. She wants him by her side when she faces her family on that special occasion.

Then she heard a splashing of water inside the bathroom.

Huh? Who is inside?

Of course, it's John, who else?

He still here!

She smiled broadly.

When John exited the bathroom after finishing his bath, he saw a smiling Catherine looking up at him.

"Good morning, Cath!" he said.

"Good morning!" she responded cheerfully and smiled in return.

He walked to her side and planted a kiss on her forehead.