Love Blooms

Catherine and John stay in the room the whole day.

While lying in the bed they talked about the first time they met in the hacienda.

"My God, fast forward, I could never imagine having your son in my womb," she whispered.

His brows raised. "Huh, why is that? Because I'm so ugly?"

"Yeah, because your scar looks intimidating and downright ugly. I just can't say it to your face...but you're very skilled in bed...your expertise blows my mind away. I was still wondering after a few days how you managed to make me enjoy our first intimate night together," she blushes pink-red.

John chuckled. "Well, what can I say? I'm your soulmate, therefore, we are fated from the very beginning. The moment our path crossed we'll be a couple for life," he declared with fondness in his eyes.

"You really scared me back then...especially when you put the gun in my temple," her body trembled a bit when the horrific memory come rushing into her mind again.