Push Harder!

John assisted Catherine down from the bed.

Dinner time...

Catherine consumed a little food which consists only of rice and chicken broth.

She keeps walking back and forth inside the delivery room, while John followed everywhere she goes, giving her gentle massages on her back and lower abdomen.

Her eyes flooded with tears. "My God! It's so damn painful. I can't take it anymore!" she sobbed.

"Love, please endure it a little bit, okay?" he whispered softly in her ears.

"I changed my mind I want to give birth through cesarean delivery! Natural birth is so painful," she whined.

"No. Your doctor won't allow it. You are healthy, cesarean delivery is only for women with health problems. Don't worry love, I'm here to assist you, okay?" John said.

She pouted.

Ouch! Painful cramps hit her lower abdomen again. Fresh tears ran down her cheeks. She squeezed her eyes shut. John was quick enough to wipe the tears from her eyes and cheeks.