Don't Move!

Ella let out a sigh of exasperation and desperation, this meeting is not getting anywhere! Would she start dancing, singing, recite a poem or shout louder at him to get his attention? What she's going to do now? She can't waste her time like this. His cold personality was the result of his tragic past, it would be hard to attract his attention with just a simple 'hi and hello', she's feeling hopeless and lost right now.

She needs to do something!

She walked to the stool chair on the corner facing him and sat down on it, finally she saw his whole face...

OMG! He looks so ugly and untidy! The hair, so yukky! His beard was long, he looks like Merlin The Wizard! But she tried to show him a blank face wanting to let him know that she was not affected by his untidy look.

Their eyes met!

They were staring at each other's face for like five minutes...