
Baby James baptism was held in St. Magdalene Parish Church, the happy parent John and Catherine were holding their son proudly, so much love and happiness shone in their eyes.

After the Priest had sprinkle holy water droplets on all the babies foreheads, a few minutes later, the baptism ceremony was over.

Round of pictures and videos were taken and everyone wants to have their pictures taken with the adorable tot near the church's altar.

The Godmother Sherry and Godfather Romeo took a turn each holding baby James in their arms and taking pictures with him.

A few moments later the guest boarded their respective vehicles to go to the venue for the baptism dinner party. The people, friends, and guest on the couples civil wedding reception were also the same people who attended the baptism and they went to the same venue to spend dinner with the proud parent and the baby.

Everyone was having a good time eating and drinking enjoying baby James baptism.