Live Again

~Fernandez Mansion~

Danny was lying in his bed, unable to sleep. Usually every night at 10:00 he already falls sleep soundly. It's been three nights that he can't sleep early, his mind kept thinking of Ella.

It's been three days that he was waiting for his muse that never comes.

Didn't she like his offer?

He was kind of hoping that after hearing his offer she will come running to his house the following day. But he was wrong...

Even her shadow was a no show in his house.

He was thinking, maybe she's not interested anymore and already gives up her intention for the land.

Or maybe he wasn't her type?

Could be...

He does like Ella a lot, he was physically attracted to her and he was developing tender feelings for her. In short, he was smitten by her charm, her beauty, and her kind heart.

Too bad, it looks like she is not interested in having him as her boyfriend.