Unconscious & Gone!

She rode a taxi towards the public market which was thirty minutes drive from the Infinity Jade Tower.

In the market, she enjoyed perusing fresh vegetables and herbs, then she moved on to the seafood's section were fresh selections of fish and prawns are on display. She spends a few minutes inside the meat section checking if the meat were fresh. She feels hungry all of a sudden, she exited the market and entered a fast-food restaurant nearby and ordered her favorite burger with fries and a large soft drinks.

She relaxed a bit inside the fast food.

A few minutes later, she exited the fast-food restaurant and returned to the market. She goes back to the vegetable section, seafood's, and meat section to buy all the ingredients she needed for her special dishes for tomorrow.

At 6:30 PM, she was done with her grocery and exited the public market to hire a taxi that will bring her home to Infinity Jade Tower.