Flirt A Little

She had this insane feeling that maybe if she wears sexy clothing or sexy lingerie John would shower her more attention, now that her sister was still missing, why not? She can flirt a little with her brother-in-law just for fun and see how far his never-ending devotion to her missing sister will last.

She needs to go out and visit the nearest mall to buy sexy lingerie with her own money. This way Minerva no longer have any more reason to scold her.

Caroline wore her jeans and blouse, then she picked up her shoulder bag and put her wallet inside it. She slid her feet into a pair of brown sandal and get ready to go out.

She exited the room.

She found Minerva changing baby James diaper clothing in the living room. "I will go out 'coz I need to buy some personal stuff in the mall. I will come back quick!" she said.

Caroline walked briskly towards the door even before Minerva can even say a thing.