
Three hours later...

John talked to the nurse. "Minerva, I'm going on a road trip tomorrow to find Catherine, can you please stay with Caroline and baby James just for one night?"

Minerva nodded her head. "No problem Sir, I will sleep here with them tomorrow night. When will you be back here, Sir?" she asked.

"I will be back here Sunday late at night," John answered.

"Okay, good luck Sir, I will take care of Caroline and baby James," Minerva replied.

That night, John received a text message from Sandra telling him to bring some personal belongings of Catherine because it's one of the soothsayer's requirements.

John took two of Catherine's favorite blouse from the closet and put it along with some of his clothes in his traveling bag and then he also brought with him a sizable amount of cash and put the money in a pouch bag to offer as payment for the lady's services and their travel expenses as well.