Spirit & Riddles

"If your wife was meant to live longer then she will return to you one of these days, if she was meant to be dead then she can no longer return to your side. But since my friend told us that Catherine is alive, she is probably well," said Aling Pacing.

John was in deep silence. His eyes were staring at the creepy 'eye' carved in the piece of wood surrounded by the stones. The eyes seem to be staring at him. Jesus!

"W-where is my wife's photo?" John asked he noticed that it went missing along with the blood.

"The spirit took it with him back into his world. He likes your wife's photo. Before he was gone, he told me that if you would like to choose, which one you would like to return alive, the baby or the mother? Because he wants to take one with him. He wants you to choose," said the healer.