I Will Marry You!

~Forbes Park~

Oscar was staring at his daughter.

Ella's head was downcast, she was ashamed to see his father's face.

Oscar stood up and glanced outside the window of his study room, the atmosphere outside was very hot while inside his study room it's refreshingly cool.

"You stay with Danny for almost two months, not only you fail to get the land you also become pregnant with his child? What do you think I will feel my daughter?" he said, his face went blank, but not angry though.

Ella's eyes welled up. "Are you angry, Dad... that I got pregnant?"

Oscar faced his daughter. "On the contrary, I'm not. If you are underage and got pregnant I would be very angry, but you are already an adult woman, it's your choice, it's your life. I won't condemn you for your mistake. What I'm asking now is what is your plan with the baby? Raise the baby on your own being a single mom or marry Danny?"