Stroking Your Ego

~Infinity Jade Tower~

Joseph entered the main door of his brother's dwelling.

"Hi Caroline," he greeted the woman.

Caroline raised her head and returned the visitors greeting. "Hi, Sir Joseph!" she responded and returned her attention to the baby.

Joseph was watching Caroline while she was feeding baby James with the bottled baby milk. She was quiet and shy. He's been visiting this place five days already, he finds her beauty captivating. Too bad, she won't even look at his face for even a few seconds.

"Do you have a romantic relationship with my brother?" he asked directly.

Caroline's forehead creased. "Huh?" she glanced at him.

He was staring at her maliciously. "Don't deny it, while my brother's wife was missing you two were already romantically or shall we say sexually attracted to each other? Am I right?"

Caroline's face went crimson red. "No! We don't have that kind of relationship!" she vehemently denied.