Additional Problem

Romeo entered John's office quietly holding some documents in his right hand. He saw the weariness in his best friend eyes, he doesn't have to wonder why because as long John can't find his missing wife he will forever feel a broken man inside. Romeo was doing his part in trying to help find Catherine in his social media accounts and even enlisted the help of his relatives and his wife's relatives to spreads out the information of her disappearance, still it yields no result.

It's kind of frustrating and disappointing that Catherine still can't be found until now and how more tormenting it is for John. Sometimes he believes that an extraterrestrial being abducted Catherine and brought her to the other planet or another dimension.

"Bro, you look awful today," Romeo commented.

John barely looked at his buddy, his attention remained fixed on the city's skyline. "I miss my wife so much, bro," he said, tears welled in his eyes.