
John stared at his best friend and blinked twice. "I was also suspecting my brother way back but he had a strong alibi, he was on a 3 days reunion party with his friends in Batangas when the crime took place. We just don't have evidence. I can't accuse my brother just like that 'coz it would devastate my parents. And what if I'm wrong with my suspicions? It would only destroy my family," he said.

Romeo agreed. "I'm just wondering where's Dahlia's killer right now? It has been almost a decade and it's a cold case already."

He set his mouth in a grim line. "I'm not thinking of Dahlia's case anymore, I can't even solve the kidnapping of my wife," John said forlornly.

After a few minutes of silence, John and Romeo were back in the water to have a friendly swimming contest and later on Joseph joined in the fun as well.