
The midwife released a deep sigh, her face was troubled as well. She recognized Catherine's face as the missing wife of a businessman shown regularly in the ads of TV stations, newspapers and radios stations. She never expected that she will come face to face with the missing woman herself. She wanted to help her but she was hesitating.

"I see what can I do, Catherine. But please don't be upset if I can't do anything to help you, I'm also taken here blindfolded. When they brought me here I traveled though sees and mountains and from what I have observed this place is situated in a very remote place. I think we journeyed a total of 3 days just to get here. I have no idea where we are and what is the name of this place," Soledad answered.

Catherine tears were flowing freely from her eyes, she desperately wanted to go home now with her newborn.

The midwife started gathering all her things and putting them back in the bag. She was leaving anytime soon.