Chapter 3

"Kole wake up!!" Shouted a voice sounding like Spane's. Kai suddenly shot up and grabbed Spane's hand. The orphanage was on fire and people with hands covered in magic flames surrounded it. One of the children was being held down by one of the attackers. They started to slash the poor, defenceless child and tore their chest open. The attackers started ripping the guts out of the child and ate them like ferocious monsters. The child's mouth started to foam and rolling back into the young girls head her eyes brimmed with tears and shouted help me but Kai ran, he ran as fast as he could, Spane just behind him tightening their grip. The other children were being attacked the same as the other girl. But one of the male attackers took Sister Liz by the neck and threw her to the ground. He undid his belt and thrust his pelvis into hers. She screamed in both agony and pleasure. The attacker laughed while defiling her but the Sister screamed for help and started praying to god to save her. The screams soon died down as Kai and Spane ran further away. "where do you two think your going?" a voice spoke, and a man emerged from the shadows dressed all in black like the other attackers. Kai leaped in front of Spane trying to protect her but the man knocked him aside with the wave of his hand and started laughing uncontrollably. He grabbed Spane pushing her to the ground and was about to violate her but a voice from inside Kai spoke to him, saying "time to stop this, let me take over for a bit." It was the same voice as before. He let this little ball of light take over his body and a foul aura started to spew from him. A tail started to emerge from Kai, it was covered in blood and red scales. He screamed in agony as his eyes also started to change to a red, which was more ferocious then the flames of hell. It felt like a thousand bolts of lightning hit him at exactly the same moment. The attacker backed off quickly, and drew his sword. "where do you think your going?" said the ball of lights voice from Kais mouth. Fear then clutched onto the man and his hands started to tremble, so did Spane's. The man charged at Kai but the large, scaly tail hit him to the side. Leaping at the cloaked attacker Kais eyes lit with excitement. He ripped through the mans neck with his new fangs and blood gushed out like a fountain, staining the white shirt Kai was wearing. The voice controlling Kai gave a giggle, like before, and ripped open the stomach of the man and crushed his legs. The man writhed in pain and started to cry while shouting for his mom. Spane trembled in fear and moved to a tree to lean on while her best friend, which was like a brother to her tore apart a man limb from limb. Her eyes, filled with fear, couldn't look away. She was to scared to. " don't worry, I haven't forgotten about you" the voice said, crawling towards her. He lifted his hand to touch the cold, red cheek of Spane and said "I won't kill you though, I'm quite fond of you, ya know. Kai would also never forgive me for it. Well I think that's enough fun for me. Oh and remember my name is Aster. I'll give Kai back now" his body dropped to the floor and Asters voice gave a chuckle. Spane grabbed Kai and placed his head on her lap to comfort him as he seemed in pain while the devilish features disappeared into his body. Spane then fell unconscious from the site of the violated body in front of her. She then thought 'who's Kai? I'll have to ask Kole after."