How to make money?

The boy started to treat Aron. It was a long and exhausting process. He needed to detoxify poisons and keep parasite in check. The man's body needed to be strengthened before the extraction of the parasite. Neo prepared some nutrients before treatment. He inserted 2 needles into a place where the parasite was and suppressed it for time being. After a few hours of efforts, all toxins were removed and it was time to give medicine. The parasite wasn't easy to deal it needed to be suppressed by the spiritual sense from time to time. Neo reached the 2nd stage of soul embryo stage but his spiritual energy was limited. It made entire treatment longer and more exhausting.

"I cannot wait any longer even if your body is too weak. We need to risk and extract that parasite because I am running out of spiritual energy. Time of me stopping the suppression of parasite is the time of your death"

He made a small cut in the chest area and used needles to weaken parasite. It was the moment to extract it from the lungs.

(I need to use my hands to take it out. It's so unprofessional but I don't have time to think about hygiene now.)

He grabbed the parasite and pulled it out. Parasite started to struggle and search for the new host but it was in vain. Neo put it inside the wooden container with water and covered it.

The most important thing At this moment is to close his chest. He didn't want him to be infected by random bacteria now. He carefully sewed the skin.

(I can give him some strengthening mixtures and wait. He should wake up in a few hours.)

A few hours later. Aron woke up, although he was weakened and couldn't even stand. He was relieved of his burdens, and he could rest without worries.

"Rest well. Few days of proper nutrition and you will be like newborn haha!"

(It was an interesting parasite. This world is more interesting than Earth for sure but more dangerous at the same time. I cannot practice martial arts yet because it will hurt my development and limit my future. I won't make the same mistakes again. I will make my body foundation stable and strong.)

A month passed and Neo decided to pass meditation technique to Aron.

(I need to reach the 3rd stage of soul embryo to have minimal control of fire while concocting elixirs. It will be hard but it's better than nothing. It will take some time. I need to prepare my body before my 10th birthday. It's important to purify my body and widen meridians before opening them.)

"It's interesting that technique that you passed to me. My mind is much clearer now. What are our next steps? We still lack money." He was concerned because recently we were buying herbs and obviously money started to run out.

(That's the problem. In my past life, I sold some of my concoctions and it was enough to become careless and stop being cautious. In this life, I won't make the same mistakes.)

(Selling alchemy elixirs will gather unwanted attention without proper strength we will be caught and forced to become slaves. I need something that is not so eye-catching but it will make money for me and people will not go after me. Why didn't I think about it earlier? I can use soul arts and make soul contract with someone and later use him as a proxy.)

"Aron do you know any person with good influence that is desperate for help of a godly doctor?"

"Hmm let me think. I know the leader of the merchant union that has the weird disease."

"Can you explain to me the details about his condition?" The words "weird disease" aroused his interest.

"I don't know much, but he became paralyzed and his skin is covered with something weird."

"I can cure it. Problem is that I need probably go there."

Bothersome, going there wasn't a problem, but he was a small kid. Who let small kids treat them?

"Ok. Can you contact him? I can disguise as your servant or something. That's should be enough to let us in."

Aron contacted the merchant family, and he was rejected by the patient's brother but when a patient's son heard about "doctor" he ignored his uncle and convinced his family to invite Aron and Neo to their house.

"So you are saying that patient's brother refused you straight away. It's suspicious, and we need to be careful." They packed their things and disguised themselves and went to see the patient.

A half hour later they reached their destination. It was a big mansion. You could see that the owner spent a lot of money on this mansion. Luxurious ornaments, weird plants and many more things that cost more than an entire population of slums if someone sold them as slaves.

They were greeted by old butler and son of the owner. They wanted to show their hospitality but Neo and Aron wanted to go straight to the patient. Longer they were here, the bigger risk. Aron asked them to lead them to the patient, while Neo was carrying all the tools. It looked like Aron is a doctor and Neo his assistant or servant. They entered the room of the patient and Neo saw the condition of the patient. He encountered something similar in his past life. The man was poisoned and it was more problematic now. There was a culprit somewhere in this house, and he will definitely not let cure the patient.

"I can cure him." Said Aron after the signal from Neo.

"Can you give me a moment I need to calculate the doses for the medicine and plan the treatment?"

The son left the room and Neo explained the situation to the Aron. They needed to act fast because the culprit will probably act soon.

"Ok, we are ready. This is the list of herbs needed for the treatment as for the rest go and talk with my assistant. I need to prepare for treatment."

Neo warned the son of the patient that someone will try to stop treatment. He didn't believe, but he agreed to make some safety measures without none knowing.

An hour passed and herbs were ready. Neo started to treat the patient. Actually, it didn't need much time to treat this kind of poison. A few minutes were more than enough, so he finished the treatment fast and started mixing the herbs.

BOOOM! Someone barged into the room...