When did I betray you?

Without waiting for Zhehan's reply Zhang Ziyi immediately butted in, " Yes! Sister-in-law, brother is allergic to seafood so we can't let him eat seafood.... "

"Yes, Ziyi is correct. You can't eat seafood. I am really sorry Zhehan. I didn't knew you were allergic to it. I called Brother Yutian and that girl told me that - "

"Sister-in-law..." Ziyi called grabbing Li Xiaolu's hand, "The food is getting cold. We should start eating... "

"Yeah... we should. " Li Xiaolu nodded searving Zhehan with the rice noodles and vegetable soup.

"My dear little sister " Zhehan smiled sweetly looking at his sister who was excitedly looking at the food.

"Yes brother? " she asked.

"Where is he?" Zhehan asked raising his eyebrows at his mischievous little sister. He knew it has to be her. Who else can ruin his perfect lunch?

Zhang Ziyi gulped. "Who? " she asked innocently.