Steal you away from me?

Seeing the couple completely immersed into their kiss everybody in the room smiled at them. It looked like they had already forgotten about the rest of the people in the room.

Zhang Yishan cleared his throat and took Bai Lingyu's hand. Smiling at their son and daughter-in-law, they silently left the room followed by the rest of the people.

Zhehan kept on sucking and biting Li Xiaolu's lips in a punishing kiss venting out all his frustration, irritation and jealousy. Slowly and slowly the punishing kiss soon turned into a slow and sensual one in which Li Xiaolu took the lead conveying to him the fear she felt in those previous few hours.

The need, the helpless and the neccesity of his presence was all conveyed by Li Xiaolu through her kiss. She kissed him like there was no tomorrow. She wanted to feel him through that kiss, she wanted to feel that he was safe and alright. She wanted to feel that he was there by her side.