Hidden enemy

After seeing Li Xiaolu sleeping peacefully by his side, Zhehan kissed her forehead. Covering both of them with a bed sheet, he fell back on the pillow completely lost in deep thoughts.

Few moments later, there was a light knock on the door. "Come in... " Zhehan said.

The door opened and his parents together with the rest of the people entered. "Xiaolu, Zhehan - " Bai Lingyu was about to say when she noticed Li Xiaolu sleeping on the bed.

"Shh! " Zhehan hushed his parents voice in order to let her sleep peacefully. He knew how tired she was and he didn't wanted anything to disturb her precious sleep.

"Son are you alright? " Zhang Yishan asked in a small voice.

"Hmm... I'm fine dad. " Zhegan replied. Bai Lingyu and Zhang Yishan chatted with Zhehan for some time and then they left together with Zhang Ziyi. It was pretty late so Yang Mi also left after asking about Zhehan's health.