He really forget to give you some good brain?

"Anyways little sister, before answering my question I have one doubt that I feel like asking you. We are sisters by blood, then how are you so different from me? "

"I mean just look at me, I am so brave and intelligent and meanwhile just look you.... so coward and stupid. What are you so afraid of little sister? " Li Xiaolu asked waving the gun in her hand, "This gun... "

Showing the gun in her hand to Li Roulan she laughed, "This gun is so beautiful, isn't it little sister? Do you know what's so special about it? It will be my latest addition to my collection... You know what that means right?"

Li Roulan gasped loudly shaking her head, "No!"

Li Roulan knew what that meant. She knew about this crazy hobby of her sister. Her elder sister never dirtied her hands while dealing with her enemy. She always hired people or used her own trained assassin to deal with them.