Is it who I think it is?

Now at the venue other than the members of the prominent families and Long Xun, there were other people present. Many businessmen and their wives, actresses, singers, fashion designers and all famous people in the entertainment industry were there talking with each other. 

The media was there taking pictures of everything. They were stationed at the front to capture every dress that would go down the ramp perfectly. The show was already put on live so the netizens could see it. They were already flooding the sites with their comments to show how excited they were for the show.

"Woahhhhhh!!!!! I am so excited for this show. I am a fashion student and I love all the amazing designs that Li Xiaolu wore. Are you guys excited?"

"I am excited!!!!!"

"Me tooooo"

"Oooooooo!!! Did you see in the crowd? My Prince Lin is sitting there. My heart, my heart!!! My God, he looks so good."

"AHHHHHHHHHH! Did you see his smile? He looks so good!!!"