Long Xun was here

"Tell me one thing, why were you so anxious and panicked?" Li Xiaolu asked curiously.

Zhang Zhehan shrugged, "I just didn't want to have any misunderstanding between us. After all, I had a marriage contract with her daughter."

"Why would she tell me about that when she didn't even know that I am your wife? You just made it known to her now." Li Xiaolu said.

Zhang Zhehan shrugged, "When it comes to you then I don't want to take any chances."

"Awww…. My husband is so sweet." Li Xiaolu marveled, "I just want to kiss you."

Hearing that, Zhang Zhehan immediately moved closer intending to kiss her when Li Xiaolu took a small step back. After looking around she glared at her husband, "What are you trying to do Mr. Zhang Zhehan? Are you trying to make a headline with me?"