Which rule?

"What is your problem? Why are you not calling the manager? " Yu Rushi asked. 

The lady at the counter sighed, "Ma'am even is you call our manager, you still won't be able to buy that dress. I think you should just leave our store. You are creating chaos here and we have other customers that we need to look after too." 

"YOU!!! HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME LIKE THAT? DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?" Yu Rushi yelled on top of her voice. She was never disrespected like this. She lost her mind when the counter lady had told her to leave. 

By this time all the people inside the store were looking at the counter. Most of them recognized Li Roulan and her mother, so with great interest, they looked at the drama that was going on. On the other hand, the saleswoman was a little scared. They were her first customers and she was afraid that she will be fired because of all this commotion.