Long Xun arrives

It was around midnight by now. Li Xiaolu and Zhu Qian were shifted into their own ward which was adjacent to each other. They were still unconscious due to the effects of the drug. Zhang Ziyi and Li Yifeng were in Li Xiaolu's room while Lin Hoaming and Lin Mochen stayed in Zhu Qian's room. 

Long Xun was outside the hospital waiting in his car. He very much wanted to see how Li Xiaolu was but he couldn't muster the courage to go visit her because it was all his fault that she was in that condition right now. Also, there were other people present with her so he knew that he had to wait until midnight to go see her.

While he was waiting in his car, he ordered one of his men to get some information regarding Li Xiaolu's condition. While his men arrived, Long Xun got the news that Li Xiaolu was alright and fine.