Long Xun knew about me?

After Long Xun left the room, Li Xiaolu walked towards the closet. Looking at all of the dresses and stuff, she sighed. Everything she could need was inside this whole room. 

Why was this happening with her? She wondered. Before this, she had only seen this kind of admirer in the movies. Never she thought that one day she would face a problem like this. She never thought that one day she would be kidnapped by her psycho suitor who turned out to be her friend. 

She really considered Long Xun as her friend because she got a very good vibe from him. She didn't think that he would be harmful to her and hence she made him her friend. Even though after kidnapping and declaring his love for her, Long Xun didn't do anything to her. But she was still very worried about her own situation. Until when was she going to stay here?