Devastated by the news

"That night was a sleepless night for all. The next day, when everybody had calmed down, Uncle Lin, Uncle Tang, and my father decided to go and see Long Xun's father." Zhang Zhehan said. "When the reached the Long Mansion, they noticed that the whole mansion was empty. There was no trace of any servants or guards. Long Xun and his father were missing." 

"They found a letter which was addressed to them. It was written by Long Xun's father and it said that he was will take his revenge and that he wanted all the wealth and the power of all the four prominent families. He wanted to be the king that ruled everyone." 

"My dad was confused and shocked after reading that letter. Nobody thought that Long Xun's father would think and plan something like this. A search for Long Xun and his father was conducted. My dad, Uncle Lin, and Uncle Tang used all of their powers to search for them but we got no results."