Three major shocks

Next morning, when Long Xun woke up, he felt a little weak all over his body. Holding his head, Long Xun groaned in pain. He was feeling is if someone was hammering his head with a hammer constantly. He pressed on his aching forehead in a circular motion to help him relieve some of the pain.

After feeling a little better, Long Xun squinted his eyes to look around and he noticed that he was in his room. Recalling the last night events, he remembered going to the Lin mansion, meeting his Godmother, and then coming home completely drunk.

What happened after that?

He tried to think about it but he didn't recall anything that happened after he came home. Maybe, he must have simply walked to his room and he went to sleep. Long Xun thought.

Throwing off the blanket, Long Xun was about to get out of the bed when he received the first major shock of the day.

He was naked.