roller coaster ride chapter-7

AUTHOR/GUY WITH BAD GRAMMER-(hi guys I just want to say that I was wondering were I should put the main character and it was mainly between America and England and I couldn't realy decide.And I even thought about just making it so that the two countries were connected together but after thinking I've gone for England since I can relate and tell the story easier.Also thanks for reading the story up to this point it means a lot so bye for now)

As the rain was pouring down in England like usual the street lamps glistend in the wind as they stood as straight as a king unlike,the scrunched up teen who was sitting at his computer near the window playing some rts games not noticing the pile of papers which were in the corner of the room next to the flimsy door.All over the room was papers and maps with formations and strategies for what looked like army plan's and routes there was also multiple pictures drawn of what was called his own soldiers.

One picture had a tall strong man in all black with behind him in the shadows figures ready to defend and attack for the man in black.Then there was the man who had a more modern look with many tanks and helicopters sourounding him and the other pictures were similar put with there own unique features.

He had a broken and tattered bed barley holding together and the only think that looked new was the pictures and computer.The most shocking thing was the teenager in the chair responsible for all this was a 17 year old who name was Luther he was overall a normal guy with respectfully better looks then the average guy but he still wasn't a model.He had short brown hair and had blue eyes and was normal when it came to height and when it came to his life it was best described as a broken roller coaster.

It all started when he was 5 his parent's were fighting and his mom got angry at his dad beacuse of multiple reason which were the basic.Which was he was late coming back here and there and he wouldn't really listen to his wife and also another reason was that he would let his kids have an unchained spirits.

That basically meant if one of his kids had a fight he would check how bad the damage was then tell them how to do better so if it happens again they can prevent it.Or if someone was making fun of his kids he would tell his kids appropriate comebacks so they wouldn't be bullied or at least have some self confidence.

He just wanted his kids to live there own lives,but he was still strict if they did wrong or crossed the line but his mom could be seen as a bit protective.So they constantly got into arguments with his dad as for the other reason for the argument like his dad being late.Was for multiple reasons like the weather or if he saw a gang he would have to take a detore,since he didn't want to take the risk since he knew one of them had a knife hidden on them.

And he had a good reason for ignoring her which was that she would constantly cause drama and bad mouth people.So he ignored her since it was always the same thing with no reason for saying it.

This would keep happening until he was 8 when they got a divorce and his mom took him and his sister and two brothers.

For a couple of months his mom debated if she should go back with him when she decided to go and ask him for forgiveness.Since she did see some of the bad things she said and done but when she got to his flat/apartment she saw him with another woman.

Which enraged her they had a massive argument and then something broke in his mom's head and she grabed a knife whilst his dad was looking the other way.She stabbed him 8 times in the back and he fell on the ground and bled out whilst the other woman got stabbed 15 times in the chest and also died.

His mom by now had forgotten who she was and only rembered her and how the family use to be when it was happy.And his mom didn't want that to end so she went back to the home and silently went up to her kids rooms.She hadn't realised that Luther was awake and in the bathroom prushing his teeth as she opened his older brothers door.

She had pulled the door back a bit behind her as she sneaked into his brothers rooms who was 10 and 11 and were sound asleep and Luther finished brushing his teeth.He had heard a noise and slowly creeped over and looked into the room from the door which was slightly open to see his mom with a already bloody knife with her husband's blood on it as he saw this he didn't think it was his mom.

So he remembered what his dad said to him that if someone is In the house who you don't know grab you siblings and hide or run so he quickly ran to his little sisters room whilst trying not to make a sound.He opened her door and took her out of bed she was only 5 so she wonder what was happening and he closed both there doors.Then went back into the bathroom just in time as his mom walked past and went into his room lucky he had big covers so his mom still thought he was there. So he ran down stairs and heard his mom screaming frantically that the whole city could hear,he opened the front door to be greeted with 8 to 12 police officers with tasers and pistols aimed which the quickly lowered and told the kids to come to then which he did and ran into the police mans arms with his sister.

With tears in both there eyes the police order his mom to come out which she did,once she dropped the knife she was tackled to the ground and put in hand cuffs.Blood dripped off all her body which he knew was his brothers after that his mom got took into custody.When he was 10 she was put in prison for 10 years.she was lucky since they had taken into account the divorce and the strain she had on her.

He only ever saw her one time which was when he was 13 he basically stripped her of the right to call him her son and told her to never come in contact with him or his sister.

But fate was too cruel to him as when his sister was also 13 she killed herself out of regret and guilt and depression.Now Luther was all alone and had to survive by himself luckily when he got into college he found 2 friends who he actually liked.He never realy got into trouble with anyone since they left him alone and he did the same and has a peaceful time at college slowly living through life and trying his best.

But he will soon find something that will change him and the world forever.