Time of the undead chapter-13

It had been one week since the cages were sent to the different city's and the mercenaries made sure that it would cause the most hectic and infectious disaster as possible.The country's they sent the cages to were(America,China,India,Germany and Brazil)

This made it easier for the virus to spread around the world and not miss any cautious countries or just in case they manged to prepare in time whilst others were being infected.After the cages got sent out the mercanerys started talking openly to the crime underworld.They were telling all the mafias and gangs and warlords that something big was going to happen.And that they needed to prepare and get all the guns and soldiers they could beacuse it's is gonna be a blood bath.

Most people were shocked at how open the mercenary group was being and most believed them.But there were also many who thought that the mercanerys were talking shit and that they were trying to scare them.

Back in England Luther had woken up and went to the kitchen to eat some cereal and energy bars to get him through the day.He reluctantly put on some fresh clothes after finishing his breakfast and walked outside and locked the door.He would normally use the elevator but he thought he was getting a bit chubby so he took the stairs that took 5 to 10 mintues to walk down.He had another reason for not wanting to walk down the stairs besides the fact it took longer to get to the bottom floor.The other reason was that a lot of people surprisingly used the stairs and many were drug addicts or homeless people. Who came into the building to do drugs or stay warm and there was the occasional asshole.Who thought he was a elite soldier who could take on ten men when realy he was just living on benefits.

Luckily for Luther he came out early so no one was on the stairs except the few people who had proper jobs.But when he came down to the bottom floor and was walking to the door Jessica came up to him.From the chairs that were used for people waiting for someone or were just chilling.Luther didn't notice her thinking she was just a random person who he saw from the corner of his eye.Jessica grabbed his arm and turned him to look at her when he was about to leave through the door.

"Were do you think your going mate Where is my money?"-Jessica

"I don't have any left since my bills got more expensive"-Luther said even though it was a lie.

Jessica jabed her nails into him saying"I know that a lie you little rat!"-Jessica

Luther for the first time in his life actually decided he had enough and pushed her away since he really couldn't be bothered today he was just to worn out."I ain't giving you anymore money so screw off!"Luther said whilst walking out of the door whilst Jessica had a disgusted face painted all over her.

However for Luther he had mix fellings on one hand he stood up to his bully which made him ecstatic and happy.On the other hand he was worried what would happen now so he quickly went to Zack and Alex houses to go to college with.

Both Zack and Alex were curious on what happened to Luther considering he was sweating a bit but they just shrugged it off.However when they got to college a lot of people were having to wait at the font of the college.The three guys went over to find out two of the profecers were attacked by a some drugged up guy who started bitting and scratching them.So the two people were sent to the hospital to get stiched up and people were just waiting for police to finish up and they would be let in.

Zack and Luther had decided to wait on a bench near the college entrance whilst Alex's was standing next to them."it's got to be that virus guys"-Alex

Luther and Zack were also think the same thing and were both very worried."This is getting ridiculous now..i mean it is right at out door step"-Zack

"Yea..we can't just sit around now hoping it will take longer to get here it just too dangerous..i mean we may be next or our family's and friend's"-Luther

They all sighed and then came up with a plan that the three would save money for 1 week straight no matter what they had to do to get it and would buy supplies just in case.They use to just speculate about the virus but still didn't take it completly seriously and didn't think about constantly.

So it wasn't the main priority but now it was just to close to them to just blatantly brush it off as something fake or not as big as it is.Also even if they were wrong nothing bad would come from having a bit extra food to share between the three whilst laughing about how they thought how stupid it all was.

But we all know it won't be them laughing about it and they will have to fight and lead soon to survive and thrive.