1 weeks worth of money chapter-15

It was Tuesday morning and Zack,Alex and Luther got together near the outside of the college.They all for 1 week didn't go to college and did all they could to earn as much money as possible from online surveys to food delivery and many more odd jobs.They all brought out the money they had collected and put it into a pile.Alex added it all up a surprisingly they manged to scrounge together £275.They decided to spend £80 on both water and food,then used another£80 to buy a few weapons they could use and with the £115 left they spent it on buying sleeping bags and flash light and torches.

Whilst they were busy collecting the money in the 1 week they were working another 6 attacks had happened.And all were very similar with the person trying to scratch or bite them and were acting very irrational.This had just added more drive and evidence to the guys as to why they needed to hurry up on there efforts.

(3 hours later after collecting the supplies)

"This should last as about 2 to 3 weeks"-Alex said whilst carrying to bags filled to the brim with canned food and water bottles.

"Yea but we still have to be careful in case it runs out faster than we think"-Luther

Luther was carrying the lights and sleeping bags whilst Zack carried the weapons which was a sturdy baseball bat,a 7.5 inch knife and two 9 inch long axes.

They didn't buy all the weapons from one store aswell they went to multiple on differnt streets most of the people when seeing the three of them carrying the bats and knives.Didn't think much of it since knife crime in England was rampant and aslong as it wasn't pointed at you then the problem wasn't there.

They all went into the college and went to the back of the college and placed the bags deep into the bushes near the bench and tree.

They then decide to take a break and sit on the bench since they were having to carry all the supplies.Luther whilst sitting on bench looked at the tree rembering what had happened a week before.He wonder if it was the same animale and actually if was an animal at all or was it something else.

"This is realy screwed up you know that"-Zack

"Yea well at least it hasn't spread to fast and were prepared now so we won't be picked off straight away"-Luther

"Also what are we going to do about family?"-Alex

This was a something the three had forgotten about they looked at each other and wonder what they were going to do.

"Well I haven't got any family left"-Luther

"In a way it's the same case with me I don't realy have much family besides my dad and he doesn't even bother with me even to the point of isolation"-Alex

The only person out of them was Zack who had a normal family.

"Oh don't worry my family will be fine most of them are or was in the military so they can handle themselves"-Zack

Luther and Alex had met some of zacks family's member's and they were mostly like Zack big and strong and could kill with their bare hands.

They then got up and went to a fast food place to get some food since they were tired from the long days of working.

Meanwhile in a empty subway station in Manhattan Mr Smith was waiting for a train when a woman came up to him.

She handed him a leather bag and a envelope

With MS in black writing smith then put the envelope in his pocket and placed the bag on the floor.

"You are choosing the wrong side Smith this is your last chance you either work with us or your gonna die like those pigs in that bunker"-?

Smith then looked to the woman

"No thank you I'm quite happy with were I am at the moment"-Smith

As you could hear a train coming closer the woman spoke again

"last chance Smith what's it gonna be"-?

"ok..ok the answer is no"-Smith

The woman face was obviously quite angry howver she simply began walking away.

Mr Smith then took out a pistol with a silencer on it a shot the woman in the back of the head with her body dropping to the ground like a bag of bricks.

Then the train came to the station and opened its doors which Mr Smith then went on the train and before the doors closed spoke one last word to the dead woman from in the train.

"No loose ends"-Smith said then the door closed covering up the smile on Smith's face.