Smith's return chapter-21

It was a cold day with crows flying near the car he was leaning against he quickly lit a cigarette in his hand.He quickly placed it in the corner of his mouth and walked towards the site in front of him it was a burnt and blacked forest with animale bones all around.As Smith trudged through the mud and broken trees he had finally come upon what he was looking for the old research lab which he hadn't been to in over 2 months.He looked around for stone's rotting body but couldn't find anything only a few blood stains here and there.Looking like an animal had came to feast on his flesh so Smith quickly ignored it.He went towards the chard door and pulled the door back which made a loud screeching noise which was made by the bottom of the door cutting the concrete floor.

Smith then grabbed a flash light from his pocket and turned it on whilst walking on the stairs luckily for him most of the inside of the lab was reasonably good.Since his intentions were never to destroy it but to just cover it up in case he missed something.He quickly made his way down the stairs until he reached the main lab room.But once he opened its door the room was filled to the brim with zombies who instantly ran towards Smith.

He quickly fired some shots and the closest zombies and closed the door in front of him he quickly looked for something.To hold the door against and luckily he saw a bunch of realy thick computer and server wires so he quickly used his free hand.To grab them and started tieing them around the door handle after 10 mintues he layed down on the stairs near the door.Breathing heavily from having to tie a door up whilst holding back more than 20 zombies by himself.

"How the hell did zombies get into the lab...unless they manged to somehow get through the large back gate but even then I'm sure I closed off all the exist"-Smith

He quickly got up and walked back up the stairs still contemplating about the zombies he new it couldn't be stone's doing since he watched him die.As Smith squeezed his way through the door and agent came to help him and it was agent A.

"Hey sir how come you're out so quickly?"-AGENT A

"It beacuse there is a crap load of zombies down there so the only way were getting in the is from the back.Which is gonna take some time..dammit!"-Smith

Smith then got on the radio and told the agents who were securing the area to go near the gate and make sure no zombies were lurking around.

Meanwhile in a city in Germany a group of mercenaries are looting and stealing and partying to there hearts content.

"Who new the apocalypse could bring such riches brothers!"

One man said whilst others were chanting

"No more law and way less order!"

However whilst this was happening a man was sitting in a restaurant eating a freshly made steak with eggs and toast and had a warm hot cup of coffee to go with it.That man was the switch of the virus and his name was Roswell and he was comfortably sitting on a chair.Whilst guards surround the doors and windows whilst he was eating he was complementing the chef who was cowering near him with sweat dripping off his face.

"Wow this steak is as good as my ex whore of a wife and the eggs are amazing very well done"-Roswell

""- Chef

"Yes..yes it is good"-Roswell

He then pulled our his gun and shot the chef in his head and as his body fell down onto the ground he spoke

"Yes this food is too good for this new rotten world"-Roswell

He then got up and left the now burning restraunt which he told his men to burn down so the chef could apparently'bring it with him'.He then got into a HMMWV and rode with his group flowing behind to the next place they would call home.