BOBS friend chapter-30

Bob decide to continue thinking that the person would find there own way out or just run past him when he went inside.So he continued until he was infont of the glass door which had a slight hint of blood on it and Bob carefully opened the door and walked inside.Immediately an iron rod came swinging towards his head but missed slightly and hit his chest.Bob turned to see a woman in her mid 20s shaking at the site of Bob her eyes started to tear up but what next surprised her the zombies just looked at her with a puzzled expression.Then just walked towards some tools ignoring the woman she thought he was smart enough to try and get a weapon so she quickly picked up her iron bar.Which she dropped once it bent after hitting Bob almost like it was reflected back at her.

However Bob continued to ignore her and just casually started placing tools and materials in the trolleys.Even inspecting some of them but obviously he couldn't read so it was just text so he dissmised the saddened thought of not being able to read since he wanted to learn more and just continued on his mission.While the woman was blankly stareing at his actions wonder how she was witnessing such impossible task being done like he was a normal human.

After the trolleys were full he made his way towards the exit giving the woman one last glance before leaving.She then realised her reason for coming here and quickly asked in a startled voice

"Um..hey you..ur..can I get one of the axes?..please"-? she said in a quite worried manner since she didn't even know if this thing was able to understand her but she took a gamble.Bob looked at her and then picked a medium-sized axe and placed it on the floor slowly before continuing.However the woman stood the in shock as the creature could understand her and actual gave her a weapon which would be very useful to her.

For the reason as to why Bob gave the axe away was beacuse he understood she wa adhere first even if he could easily snap her neck like a branch.But he also understood how he didn't need to worry about survival and other things like food or water and even diease.And the other reason was that he knew Luther would want to help someone in need who in the future wouldn't be at the top of the food chain.

Bob decide that the amount he had was sufficient enough and decide to walk back to the base the same way he got here however what he found was that the woman was following him and when she saw Bob notice her she spoke.

" seems your smart and pretty..strong so is it ok if I tag along?"-?

Bob stood still for a second before looking at the woman he didn't know what to do since he would like for his master to meet more people.Gain more living soldiers and even citizens since Bob new that those forest were too small for Luther's greatness.However there is also the fact of betrayal and stealing and just overall human emotion and ignorance.Since Bob learnt from Luther that even in the worst situations such as this one once a person felt safe and comfortable they would eventually go back to there old ways.

But he thought about the fact that the woman didn't even attack him from behind once and even put the axe on a make makeshift shirt hilt she made from some cloths and wire.And also in the shop she didn't attack him besides the time he walked in but who could blame her in an apocalyptic world.He decide to allow her but didn't know of a way to speak to her since his speech wasn't good still and was worse I infront of strangers.So he is it nodded his head and a big smile appeared on the woman face as she walked faster to catch up to Bob.

"I don't know what you are or how you can understand me but thank you and oh yea by the way my name's Hela"-Hela

Luckily for bob the one word he could speak relatively well wad his name which was obvious"B..o..b"-Bob

Hela was surprised he could talk but was even more surprised by the fact he had a name and wonder if he knew someone who just gave it him or did he just name himself.

They both walked together and had talked to each other well with mostly Hela talking to Bob and Bob just shaking his head.She asked the basic of where they were going and if it was safe and also about what he was but most questions didn't get answered. Accept one which was when she asked him how he got his name to which Bob simply said""-Bob

"Wait what do you mean master like your boss or even dad?"-Hela

This made Bob stop for a second since he didn't really know what he saw Luther as but he technically was a father figure to Bob to which he grinned slightly."Ye..a"-Bob

Hela was surprised he had a master and that he saw him as quite a big figure in his mind.

They continued on there journey encountering some zombies on the way which scared Hela but after seeing Bob next to her she felt at ease.But she was confused with how Bob handled the zombies as he broke it's arms and legs and dragged them along while Hela moved the trolleys.After they made it to the borders of the camp Bob meet his soldiers and they gave him a salute whilst staring at the strange new person.And the 5 zombies in his hands and walked away.

"Wow what the hell are you some type of zombie commander or something?"-Hela

She also noticed the zombies had the same purple eyes as Bob and realy wondered what she was walking into.

They continued moving to the camp even walking past Alex's researchers who were still prodding at the rose bushes.They walked past them and entered the main and most heavily gaured place of the base with Hela shocked seeing 20 to 30 different zombies with ethier purple orange or blue eyes walking or guarding the area.In a tree house Zack looked at Bob seeing his rewards from the city and jumped down to him creating a small dent in the ground in the process.

"Hey Bob glad to see you came back safe and sound and brought supplies so thanks i hope it wasn't a problem"-Zack


Zack started looking through the supplies when he noticed hela which he didn't see before.

"Ur..Bob who the hell is this?"-Zack

"Hi I'm Hela I asked Bob if I could tag along and he allowed me to so I hope you'll let me stay here please I won't cause trouble and will help as much as I can"-Hela

Zack looked at her but quickly said to her whilst putting his hands in his pockets.

"Well I'm sure you would but it isn't me you got to ask to stay here"-Zack

"Huh what do you mean..your Bob master right?"-Hela

"Ha ha ha hell no I'm not bobs master but I wished I was the guys a beast but no I'm just a lieutenant the commander is with Ryan in his tent go talk to him don't worry he isn't a bad guy"-Zack

Hela really did think that Zack was bobs master since he had an athlete's body and had jumped out of a tree house like it was nothing but then she realised when looking at his eyes.His had an orange glow unlike bobs purple and reaisled how stupid she seemed but continued towards the tent with Bob giving Zack two of the zombies to change.