building and recruit chapter 40

It was 2 days later and Luther was currently sitting in the brand new built building made for meetings and plans for the group.It was two story stone building with enforced vines holding it all together as Zack said it would be better for protection than wood even if ours were enhanced.It was also so people could tell the difference and get to were they need to be or stay away as to not get interrupted.

On the first floor was 9 different rooms being the workers/guard cafeteria,2 storage rooms,one waiting area,weapons room,a small training room and 3 offices for different task like profiling.Whilst also keeping check of supplies among other things and just generally keeping things organised.

While on the second floor was 6 rooms with their being a a meeting room,war room and intelligence room with the last 3 rooms being for Alex,Zack and Luther office's.

"Wow it's good we have this big new buildings but it's kind of dull can't we get any colour or posters in here?"-Zack

"I mean we could but that would mean having to go to the city which is crawling with zombies and maybe even other things"-Alex

"Yea but I mean we're completely different now we have these awesome powers and even have or own mini army why don't we just go take over the city"-Zack

"That doesn't mean there aren't others like us and we haven't had experience with large hordes don't forget other groups and survivors"-Alex

"Yea but..ya..know...hey Luther why aren't you saying anything!"Zack

"Well I'm just thinking since there are multiple angles to look at but the 3 main subject I'm looking at are one the benefits and two the exposure and three the risk"-Luther

"And that is?"-Alex

"Well the first is the benefits which is obviously the huge amount of resources we get from exploring and even taking a city would allow us to house more people and improve security"-Luther

"Yea but do you know how long it would take to clear out our whole city and the damage we will take since we aren't invincible"-Zack

"But that also goes towards my second thought which is exposure since whether we like it or not.People will find out about us sooner or later and what position would you want us to be in when they find us.In the forest or in a city however being in a city will definitely speed up the time we are found showing us to those around us and possible enemies"-Luther

"While we will have enemies I don't think they will mess with us even if we don't have the same numbers as them.Since once people see what we can do they will be praying to any god they can think of"-Zack

"But as I said they may also have users hell technically we only have one and that's Luther but.What happens if they have 3 or 6 users would we stand a chance?"-Alex

"True we still need to find out if there are more users but anyway my finale thought was the most obvious was risk.We would be taking on much more people and responsibility and danger since the survivors will all flock towards stababiltity.So will those hoping to both destroy and profit off of that which will bring in more complications."-Luther

"Don't forget those who will come in who use to have high positions since they will want them back"-Alex

"Most of those guys are probably hiding in their doomsday bunkers or finishing off the last of their rations while held up in their homes."-Luther

"So anyway are we going then?"-Zack

"Sure why not it's not like we're going to take it over now maybe in a month or two when we have more people and loyalty"-Luther

"Ok let's get on it then"-Alex

The three then quickly left Luther's office and walked down to the first floor while saluting guards on their way.They quickly open the door however as they were leaving a young man around the age of 16 ran up to them.

However he was quickly tackled to the ground by the guards while Zack made sure to get infront of Luther and Alex.The guy didn't put up much struggle while quickly trying to explain himself while being held down.

"W..wait please I wasn't trying to hurt them I just wanted to ask them something..please let me go"-?

"You'd be lucky to only be on the ground and not under when rushing towards the leader of the base use your brain retard"-Zack

"I'm sorry I really am I just wanted to ask you something"-? he said quickly getting off of the ground.

"What do you want to ask me"-Luther

"Ur..not you sir I was going to ask general Zack if I could join his group!"-?

You could clearly see the shock carved into both Luther and Alex's faces with Luther not use to not being asked for something.While Alex was just shocked it was Zack that someone asked to join first instead of him.

"Ha ha ha..oh my hell yes suck that flower brain and purple skittle!"-Zack

"Um so am I able to join you?"-?

"Ha oh sure I haven't had anyone ask me yet but first things first is what's your name and why do you want to join my squad?"-Zack

"Well my name is Connor and I'm 16 and I wanted to join because I'm sick of doing all this boring work i mean no offense.I'm glad I got in this place but it's just not for me so I'm hoping to do something so when I saw you.How strong you was and how cool you looked I wanted to join in since you guys literally looked like superheroes."-Connor

"Also I don't know if you guys know but many of the guys like watching you guys use your powers or whatever you call them.Since there isn't much to do so quite of few of the guys and girls just watch you and your squad do training.Which can be interesting when you start breaking logs of wood and sparring with that guy called J so yea that's it really anything else you need to know?"-Connor

"Oh wow I didn't know we were so badass but sure you can join as long as you put in the work but be prepared.This won't be your regular gym training and you will be trained to kill and protect this isn't some scouts camp it's life and death training"-Zack

"Yes general Zack I won't let you down I promise"-Connor

Connor quickly did the regular military salute and ran off to tell his family and friends about him joining Zack.

"Hey I just thought of something"-Alex


"When did you get the name general Zack"-Alex

"I don't know but I'm guessing your not the general are you?"-Zack

"Ha nope I'm the supreme elder of the researcher department!"-Alex

"Then what the hell am I?"-Luther

"Plant boy"-Alex

"Skittle boy"-Zack

"Wow so funny"-Luther