WebNovelFruit Bat14.29%

New Comers

OH MY SWEET BABY JESUS!!! The sad and annoying part of not having wings was one, you can't fly, DUH. Two apparently when you went to training camp you had to go under ground. The cold sticky and smelly under ground tunnels.

Buggy stomped his foot again his fellow pretty much ignored him. Most dragons said ' Your way to soft, your parent snuck you under the moon to save the race. ' Or, ' Really, Buggy you just said that Night Watchers scales looked nice in the sunlight, useless. ' Honestly the Night Watchers scales had looked really nice in the sunlight. But Buggy sighed as he took the breath of cold dank air. Fuzz was next to him. She never talked just kinda sat there and looked around in a scared and nervous manner.

Buggy pushed himself past his normal stamina and walked forward with his normal slight grin fading. The dirt under his claws was making him cringe and the sand in his eye fuzz was making him grimace. Then the Night Watcher escorting them turned and looked at them.

" Now, little fuzz buzzes, we are exactly half a mile from the camp. When we get there you will join your lowly Emerald Eyed Dragons and those weirdo Fruit Bats, I mean what dragon in there right mind would eat fruit. Ha, anyway don't disrespect any higher ranked dragons than you understand me. " He said wrinkling his nose. Rage shot threw Buggy, so what if Moon and Star ate fruit they were nice and way better then any Night Watcher Dragons. But Buggy still nodded obediently. Fuzz did a something that Buggy thought was a snort bit sound more like a defiant whimper.


Stay paced while Pines eyes kept going to the tunnel where the Fuzzy Fox Dragons where supposed to come out. Moon was glaring at the gloating Night Watcher Dragons and higher ranked Emerald Eyed Dragons. There was a loud roaring laugh from a Black Dragon a little bigger than moon. He walked right over to them. Still holding a sneering laugh on his face.

" Awwwww, the baby fruit munches and pointy nosed green tea loser, are sad because there fuzz buzz friend isn't here. " The dragon said glaring at them. Moon felt a hot flush of embarrassment strike him. Star felt white hot anger flash from her claws to her nose. Pine felt pity. How stupid they were to call him a 'pointy nosed green tea loser. ' The baby Night Watcher laughs more. " You know sometimes the tunnels collapse and all those low life fuzz buzzes die. "

Suddenly Star snaps.

" Yeah, well little prince diddly SWAT can't even swipe his own claws without a servant taking his hand!" Star shot as the Fuzzy Fox Dragons emerged from the hole in the ground where the tunnels were. A male Night Watcher - Night Chip- shot a glare at the prince. He backed off but before he left he shot out the only insult he could think of witch was, ' Stupid low life's. Star sat up straight and then waited for further instructions. Buggy joined them with a tiers grin and Moon sat hi self next to Pine and began dissing the Night Watchers prince.

" All right. Every dragon let us all call out the prince and new air to the throne, prince Midnight." The male Night Watcher - Night Chip - said. Obediently the young one rises and said ' here, here prince Midnight.' But Moon, Pine and Star only mouthed these words. Buggy the friendly one went along with the words and got stupid glances from his three best friends. Star stuck her tongue out at him and said.

" Idiot. You soft hearted cutie. " Moon and Pine giggled together.

" Also, let us all know we have a few special dragons joining us. We have recently broke a very small town in the Light Winged Dragons and Water Wind kingdom. We capture two Water Wind youngsters, Two Shadow Claw Dragons and amazingly one Light Winged Dragons. They are for display by the Climbing Oak Tree. " Night Chip announced with a hint of sickening pride. Star felt sickened by this yet also wanted to see the new kind of dragon.

A Light Winged Dragon were said to be a creamy bright white with tiny spots of bright blinding white. They had horns that were supposed to give off a little glow. Water Wind Dragons were said to be aquamarine or light shades of blue. There eyes were supposed to be so blue that the sky paled in comparison, they had a amazing skill in Stars eyes and that was to breath under water. A Shadow Claw Dragon, they were heartless. There scales were deep purple with hints of maroon and black. There eyes looked like they cried blood and there teeth stuck from there mouth.

Moon shivered as Star urged them to go. They did.


Moon had never seen any other dragons other than the Night Watcher Dragons, the Fluffy Fox Dragons and the Emerald Eyed Dragons and of course his own race. So when he layer eyes on the lovely looking Light Winged Dragon he felt a warm rush of something. The Water Wind dragons were seated together and the Shadow Claw Dragon sat evil gleaming in his eyes as he saw the Fuzzy Fox Dragons. Moon had heard rumors they skinned Fuzzy Fox Dragons and hung them in there home. Moons eyes came back to the Light Winged Dragon. Her eyes where a nice white like amber, her wings were like sheets of light and little stubs of horn came from her head. Moon thought she was gorgeous. The water Wind Dragons at the back where aquamarine with hint of darker blow like gusts of wind through there scales. The Shadow Claw Dragon was the most frightening, his eyes were a deep red and seemed to drop from his eyes the dark purple scales he had smudged with the unkindly looking black.

" All you dragons are sick!" The Light Winged Dragon announced with a little cringe on her face. Moon saw Midnight glare.

" Sick, I think not. Me and my Night Watchers are pristine. The slaves are the ones that are sick. They are disgusting fuzz buzzes, gross fruit munches and the low life green tea losers." Midnight sneered at the Light Winged Dragon. Her fave looked a little angry.

" Maybe in your eyes but in my eyes there as good as the loyal Water Wind Dragons or as keen as the Shadow Claws. " She said. " You have Fuzzy Fox dragons said to be strong and kind hearted. Emerald Eyed dragons quick witted and fast on there toes. Fruit Bat dragons that are smart maybe a little slow in flight but smart. " Midnight raised his lip in a warning kind or way. She looked at me. Her eyes skirted his them went on to Pines.

" She right. Better start being better because once we win the war. Oh boy, hahahaha." The Shadow Claw Dragon broke off laughing.

" What are your pathetic names any way. " Midnight growled. Yeah what are there names.

" Well I am Light Bringer, air to the Light Winged kingdom and older sister to Guzzo." Light Bringer said with a flourish from her claws.

" And I am Seeping Shadows but my friends call me Shadow for short. " The Shadow Claw Dragon said making them all shiver.

" And we are Tide, and Wave twins and daughters to the uncle of the queen of the Water Winds Palace. " The Water wing dragons said from behind.

" Yeah what your name, little prince boy. After all a youngster like you your skin would be worth quite slot. hahahahaha. " Seeping Shadows said with a grin that made Midnight cringe and made Moon slightly grin himself. Midnight huffed.

" Shadow we all know all those rumors about Shadow Claw dragons are fake. " Tide said. Or was it Wave Moon could not tell. Shadow glared at Wave or Tide.

" Could still sell it to some sicko. " He said matter-of-factly. Light Bringer let out a little laugh.

" Let's not waste our time with little baby Night Watchers princes After all our royal status is much more known and has much more better benefits." Light Bringer said with a grin. Moon Gained to and nudged Pine.

" Look at Midnight looks like he had king Daddy bite his tail and then bite his own. " Moon said. Pine, Moon could see, held his laugh and smiled a little to much. Star smiles widely from the side of them. Moon nudged her and said the same thing he said to Pine about King Daddy and biting tails. Star could not hold her laugh in and Buggy also heard and they both laughed quietly at each other. Moon smiled he wanted to speak to the other dragons the new comers.