WebNovelFruit Bat28.57%

Rouge Tough Training Day Two

' OOF!' Star tripped for the hundredth time. The one hundred laps around the water pit was very tiring. Also, damn the water pit had one million billion rocks around it so tripping happened way to much.

Star got up quickly as possible because if the supervisors thought she might have 'Collapsed' of course she wouldn't trip. She was strong, awesome and beautiful. She ran on.

Moon came beside her, he was panting heavily and was also smiling like an idiot.

" Why are you sm- sm- smiling?!" Star panted glancing at her brother then keeping an eye out from more killer rocks. Moon smiled more broadly.

" Well, I am happy for tonight you su- su- sure you won't co- co- come?" Moon panted even more heavily the. before. She suspected that he was in love with the Light Winged Dragon. She smiled than coughed as a plume of dirt flew in her face. She glanced back at her brother, dorky old Moon, still smiling.

" Sure knowing I have to run twenty more laps around the water pit I know I'll pass out." Star said slowing down. Her legs burned, and she felt kind of sick. Like her lungs where in her stomach and she would throw them up. She coughed again and tripped. AGAIN. Star growled madly and then whined.

" LITTLE STUPID FRUIT BAT DRAGON YOU ARE LAYING DOWN NO SUPPER." a supervising the young running dragons. She growled again and Pine helped her up, she sighed softly and came over to the other dragons that had all ready passed out or fell over. She settled down near a Emerald Eyed Dragon.

" Stupid supervisors thought I fell over like out of being extremely tired but I fell on one of the over sized rocks around the lake. " Star said anger sizing it chance grabbed her heart. She growled deeply and she smacked the ground.

" Yeah they are really dumb. " A skinny Emerald Eye said.

" I'm Star what's your name?" Star said starting smallish talk.

" Green-Dimple. Your Star right. The awesome weirdo." He said smiling. She smiled back. She liked that. ' The Awesome Weirdo'.

" Okay. Green-Dimple they totally don't know what a trip is and a pass out or collapse is. " Star said a smile in her voice. Green-Dimple laughed a little.

"I feel to. Well... Half fall, half collapse. let's be honest." He said still laughing.

" Same." Star said starting to laugh hysterically. They both laughed hard. Till the light faded and midnight came. Till they flopped down and slept but still they laughed in there sleep in the dream world where the supervisors floated away and they could breath out gum balls.