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Illogical Dream Dragon

Pine fell asleep and awakened in a weird relem. The relem had everything illogical in it. Like he was walking on the ground. But the ground was actually the sky. The bushes where actually clouds and trees where not there. When he looked up he saw dark green dots. Those where the trees. He saw a few blue blobs as rivers and lakes. He was deeply confused. Just then a golden dragon with silver eyes and glowing silver stripes floated over to him. Her eyes where a wonder. They seemed to be the whole place of this illogicalness. Like she made the ground the sky and the sky the ground. She also had a very strange and illogical fact on her. She was floating over but had wings. Wings made you fly so it was illogical to have wings when you could float. Right? This place seemed upside down. The golden and glowing silver striped dragon slowly floated over.

" Hello, Apple bottom. " She said. Then shone her head deeply concerned. " No, you are obviously not an Apple Bottom. I feel like you are more of a... Pinnale . Yes, Pinnale. " The golden dragon with glowing stripes was talking to him. Weird.

" Are you calling me Pinnale? " He asked but when he heard his voice he yelped. It was not a deep kind of raspy growl a normal dragon had it was clear and strait. He wondered why.

" So illogical for a Dragon to have a Human voice. " She said and floated over to pat his head. As she did so he nodded. How illogical indeed.

" Why am I walking on the sky. And why is the ground the sky. " He asked with his new clear voice. The golden glowing striped dragon nodded slightly.

" But the whole place is it not a little beautiful? " She asked. Pine shook his head. Beautiful was not the word. More like confusing. " But as an art piece it is very beautiful. " A note of demand in her voice now.

" Who are you... What are you... " He asked vaguely. He was suddenly struck with burning pain to sleep. But he was already asleep!!!!

He felt annoyed. The whole place had his brain in bits and peaces. This place was hard to understand. He didn't like that. He liked to under stand things.

" Illogical Dream dragon. The third in line to the ground and my name is Mischief. " She said. Pine looked up. Was she really the thing that had messed this whole place up?

" You messed this place up. " He said. Looking at the dragon, Mischief. She nodded her head slightly.

" But you made me. " She said very vaguely. Line felt confused. How could he make life. Like a whole other dragon.

" Every dragon had an Illogical Dream Dragon. They reflect what confuses and annoys the other dragon. They also only come when they need something to confuse them more than they already are. " She replied. Pine hadn't Really expected her to reply but she had.

" So this is my mind. My confusion and annoyance. " He said with a little admiration. His mind was basically empty in this section.

" We are at the out skits. Badly beginning to touch the ice berg. " Mischief said. He didn't know what she meant about ice bergs but it slightly interested. Feeling slightly interested in the rest of his mind he said. " Can we go further in to my mind. " Mischief nodded and began to float off to the cloud bushes.

A few minutes later....

Pine followed her into his mind. he was really wondering what was going on in his mind. What would it be like? Mischief floated a little above him a little . He felt a little at ease with her. She seemed really nice. After all if he had created her she would be nice. Well maybe not. After all it was annoying when someone was rude and disrespectful. But he supposed this all depended on the way bus mind worked. As they approached Mischief moved a blanket of rock with a flick of a claw. Pine looked up to see that it was hovering in thin air. He huffed a little. Illogical madness. Once he came through he saw two dragons fighting. They where clawing and fighting. One was a green dragon, the other was a light blue dragon with bursts of white. He realized it was him and Riptide.

" The river of regret. You regret not saving Flowdd. You regret it a lot. " Mischief said. He nodded. He don't want to be here any more. It mad him sad. It made him guilty. " Want to go to the gulf of guilt. "

" No! No! NoNoNoNoNo..." He felt like crying. This place sucks. He hated it.

" What about the hill of hate. " Mischief said.

" I HATE YOU SO SHUT UP!!!!" Pine shouted and stormed away. He woke up a few seconds later his fave was stained with tears.