Chapter 21- A familiar gaze

The two talked for a while and realised that they were from neighbouring districts and speak the same language but Archie couldn't get a hold of how his name held such resemblance. Then she remembered. He had the same last name as her mother. It was a Muslim name she understood and it wasn't rare, hence why it doesn't mean they maybe related but the fact that it was the same as her mother's disturbed her quite a bit, but she decided to let it slide.

"So, do you live here?" Archie asks, wanting the conversation to last forever.

"No, I came here for business. I live back in San Diego." Afsah answers quite hastily.

This was too good of a coincidence.

"What about you?"

"Actually, it's a very long story. I am originally from New York but because of ehm… certain circumstances, I am now on my journey to San Diego too, with my dear friend who is laying passed out on the floor there." Archie says, glancing at Augustin who somehow made his way back on the floor.

"Oh, that's interesting. So are you just staying here for a few days?"

"No… My intention was to leave at 6 in the morning, which if we do, will give me only roughly 3 hours of sleep before we start." Archie says, quite disturbed by her decisions.

"Oh… me too."

No way >:D


After a few minutes of plainly nodding at the man, she decides to call it a night.

"Well, it was nice meeting you, see you around maybe", Archie says as she gets up from the chair. Although she wanted to leave the club, for some reason deep in her mind, she wanted Afsah to stop her. But he didn't

Sighing, she makes her way to the door when she felt as though she forgot something. Was it her handbag? No she didn't bring one… What was it?

OOhhh, it was Augustin that she forgot.

Laughing at the thought of mistaking him for a handbag, she turns around to go find him when she jumps in shock. Just inches away from her face was the torso of a man. A man wearing a blue silk shirt. Looking up until she sees his face, her gaze once again sets on those opal green eyes. Her heart starts beating faster and faster, losing herself in his beauty. (Handsomeness?) Suddenly snapping out of it, she notices that he was holding Augustin by the collar too, as if holding a feather.

"Looks like you forgot something." Afsah says, smiling.

His smile was worth a thousand feelings, his pearl like teeth shimmering under the colourful lights and unleashing sparks from every corner of her heart. It automatically brought a smile to anyone who saw.

"Haha… Oh no." Archie says as she tries to get a hold of Augustin who most certainly will not cooperate as he seemed to enjoy floating inches above the floor.

"I can drop you back at where you stay. Both of you seem quite fit (A common South Indian term for drunk) to be walking alone."

"Oh, no. That's ok-."

Afsah grabs Archie's hands without further explanation and makes his way out the door. She couldn't help but scan him up and down, absorbing an image of his every feature. From his legs, to his head which was covered by that white cloth.

Walking down near the heart of downtown Denver, Afsah stops.

"Where exactly do you stay?"

Archie couldn't remember. Thinking hard, she turns to Augustin and pulls him up by his hair. Groaning and mumbling he replies,

"Grand Hyatt."

Afsah's eyes squint, staring at Archie

Feeling quite threatened by his glare, Archie asks,

"Everything fine?"

"What are doing there? You don't seem like the type to reside at such a place", He says looking her up and down.

In surprise, Archie brings her shall which was drooping off her shoulders back across her neck. (South Indian clothing such as churidhars require a shall)

"She's the daughter of Raja Krishna, buddy. We're on our way from running away from him." Augustin says, laughing foolishly and standing only from the sheer support of Afsah's hands, completely wasted.

Archie could not believe Augustin. Gritting her teeth, she grabs him by the hands and proceeds to walk herself back to the hotel, leaving Afsah behind, expressionless but visibly shaken.

Archie turns to look at him one last time before turning a corner, watching him take the cloth off his head, releasing his fluffy black hair and running his hand through them. He seemed confused and frustrated. But why?


Back at Grand Hyatt

Archie somehow manages to make it to her room, shaking in anger. But she couldn't blame Augustin who was drunk out of his mind. She looks at the clock which hung in the middle of hall. 3:25. Great. She drags Augustin to the couch and throws a blanket over him, walking to her room and setting her alarm before jumping onto the bed, almost drowning in softness. A few minutes later, as she was fast asleep, she hears a knock on her room door. Reluctantly looking to see who was there, in the dark she could roughly make out an Augustin standing guiltily aside the wardrobe, covered with the blanket she gave him like a burrito. Sighing, she gestures him in, moving to other end of the bed. Augustin joins her by putting his legs over hers and burying his face in the pillows while Archie puts her hand through his hair and massages his head before they fall asleep soundly. Like the brother she never had and like the sister he missed deeply.


5:30 am, the frustrating ringing of the alarm triggers the groaning of the two friends who wriggle uncomfortably in the bed. Looking outside, the sky was still dark. The city was asleep. Ignoring the headaches from the night before, they get ready, taking a shower. Although it was still dark, the two couldn't wish for anything more than each other's company so making use of it, they dance and enjoy themselves while doing so. As it turns 6, the pink and orange gradients from the sky make their way through the large windows, shining on them like a spot light. The life she lived now was something she was beyond grateful for.

Archie makes her way to the front door, letting Augustin carry the luggage's. Before he could catch up, she playfully races to the elevator watching him through the gap panting. As she takes a step back, she notices her legs higher in incline. Her eyes make their way down to her feet. She was standing on a pair of Big shoes. Big brick, leather shoes. Looking up behind herself, she gulps. Gazing down at her were a set of familiar eyes. Those same… opal green eyes.