"Your Majesty, do you want me to talk to Dr. Gero? He should be able to give orders to Alien Android?"

Before the match began, Paragus sneaked over and whispered in Lin Chen's ear.

Lin Chen frowned: "Why, you want Dr. Gero to throw the match?"

"Your Majesty, this is the first martial arts tournament of Planet Vegeta. If an Android becomes the champion…"

"So what?" Lin Chen said disdainfully, "If Dr. Gero's Android really becomes the champion, it can only mean that Saiyans on Planet Vegeta are too weak, and their training is far from enough."

"Okay, I understand…" Paragus withdraw with an embarrassed look on his face.

After he left, Tights, who was sitting next to him, asked: "Actually, he was right. If an Android becomes the champion of the first martial arts tournament, will you have any reputation as a king?"

Lin Chen shook his head: "It seems that none of you are optimistic about Vegeta? Don't worry, I don't think he will lose."

Lin Chen was very confident about Vegeta.

At this moment, the two people in the arena had already started a pre-match conversation.

"Humph, aren't you King Vegeta's son? I didn't expect my last opponent to be you." Cui smiled happily.


Vegeta sneered: "It looks like you still have your memories? I thought that after being transformed into a puppet, you would have no consciousness of your own."

"Dr. Gero's technical skills are far beyond your imagination, Vegeta!" Cui sneered back.

Vegeta looked disdainful: "In the end, you are just a puppet. Come, Cui, let me beat you into scrap metal again."

Cui's face became ugly: "Arrogant guy, do you know that your Power Level is much lower than mine? You are not my opponent!"

"Is that so?"

Suddenly, without any hesitation, Vegeta threw an energy wave at Cui.

Cui didn't expect that Vegeta would immediately attack as soon as he said it. He waved his hand in order to block Vegeta's energy wave.

But at this moment, an alarm suddenly rang out in Cui's mind, and he discovered that there was something amiss with the scouter reading of the energy wave thrown by Vegeta.

Cui immediately stopped and hurriedly dodged.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the energy wave collide against the energy barrier around the arena.

The astonishing energy caused the barrier to turn red all of a sudden.

This is a sign that the defensive power of the barrier was approaching its limit.


Seeing this scene, Cui turned pale with fright.

Isn't Vegeta's Power Level only 530,000? How could the energy wave he casually threw out have so much power?

"Bastard! This is impossible! In terms of Power Level, I am far ahead of him!"

Cui was incensed.

Dr. Gero's magical body modification technology is that the modified person will still retain his original memories and emotions, and not directly be transformed into another person like in science fiction novels.

So despite being modified, Cui's personality is still as short-tempered as before.

The next moment, he waved his hand and a ball of light that was also full of energy rushed towards Vegeta.


But, Vegeta was long prepared and easily dodged it by flying away.

However, Cui was also prepared. Almost at the same time as Vegeta jumped up, he flew over, chasing after Vegeta in the sky to start a close-range fight.

Bang, bang, bang!

The sound of two fists colliding constantly resounded in the air.

Everyone's eyes widened, attentively watching their fight.

Some also clenched their fists, fearing that Saiyan's last hope, Vegeta, would lose against him.

But with a bang sound, the final result of their close-range fight was that Cui was punched into the arena, smashing a deep pit in the hardened arena.

"How is this possible? It's clear that my Power Level is stronger!"

Cui, who had fallen to the ground, was puzzled.

"Idiot!" Vegeta sneered, "Use your scouter again properly to see my strength!"


Hearing this, Cui again turned on the scouter and immediately became dumbfounded.

Not only Cui, the audience in the spectator's seats also turned on their scouter after hearing Vegeta's words.

As a result, they found through the scouter that Vegeta's Power Level was gradually increasing.


In the end, his Power Level increased to 650,000 before it stopped.

"This… this is impossible! This is impossible!"

Although it has been modified into an Android, cold sweat still rolled down Cui's purple face.

"Hmph! A puppet like you of course wouldn't understand. This is a skill I comprehended after learning Ki Sense." Vegeta said.

"Ki Sense?"

Cui knows what it is. It should be the teaching material spread by Lin Chen on Planet Vegeta a few years ago to teach Saiyans how to sense Ki, but what does this have to do with Vegeta's current Power Level increase?

Seeing his puzzled expression, Vegeta sneered: "It seems you don't understand. In fact, besides sensing Ki, you can also manipulate Ki."

"I usually conserve a portion of Ki to reduce the burden on my body. Then, when fighting, I can instantly erupt out these conserved Ki and improve my Power Level."

"So, my real Power Level is actually 650,000! Not 530,000 as you thought!"

"6… 650, 000?"

Cui's face turned pale, and he took a step back involuntarily.

At this time, Vegeta suddenly adopted a special posture.

"And then, it is this technique, which can further improve my Power Level!"

An astonishing amount of energy condensed between Vegeta's hands.

Everyone around was surprised to find that Vegeta's Power Level had really increased again.


"Vegeta has actually condensed his energy and raised the Power Level!"

Someone in the audience exclaimed.

The corner of Lin Chen's mouth twitched. He is indeed Vegeta. I only recently spread Ki Sense throughout Planet Vegeta, but he was able to figure out so many things from it.

Seeing that the energy in Vegeta's hands was continuing to increase, Cui completely panicked and shouted: "Vegeta, stop, stop! I surre…"

Before he could finish speaking, his voice was swallowed by Vegeta's sudden loud shout.

"A mere puppet wants to become champion on Planet Vegeta? I, Vegeta, will defend Saiyans glory!"

"Galick Gun!"

Vegeta's hands condensed a mass of white radiance which shot directly towards Cui like a long dragon.

Cui couldn't dodge the wildly rushing energy, so he could only raise his hands to try to block the move.


However, how could such a violent power be blocked by Cui?

With a loud sound that shook the entire planet, Cui was completely drowned in the turbulent flow of light.