Lin Chen vs 18

With Trunks' explanation, Lin Chen finally understood the reason.

As in the original work, when this world's Gohan first transformed into a Super Saiyan 2, his powerful strength caused Cell to lose his rationality and in pursuit of more power, Cell underwent a transformation to increase his muscle mass.

But even then, Cell was surprisingly beaten by Gohan till his strength weakened, resulting in him spitting out Android 18.

And later, because of the Saiyan cells, Cell was able to transform into his Perfect Form even without Android 18, and had even more powerful strength.

Finally, Cell, who had eliminated all the Z Warriors, left only two people alive on the scene.

One was Satan, who looked like a clown in Cell's eyes, and the other was Android 18, who had already been ignored by him.

At the time, 18, who had just escaped from Cell's body and had not yet regained consciousness, was saved by Satan who brought her back and revived her.

After Bojack and his gang descended on Earth, 18 also saved the child Videl and joined the rebellion army.

Upon hearing this from Trunks, Lin Chen couldn't help but feel a little surprised: "18, why did you do this?"

"Atone for my sins? If I hadn't been absorbed by Cell, Earth wouldn't have suffered these disasters." 18 brushed her hair back and said coldly.

Lin Chen clicked his tongue, he didn't expect 18 to do these things.

At this time, the other people on the island came over, and seeing this, 18 said goodbye to Lin Chen and the others, then led a group of people and left.

Watching their backs, Trunks said: "Mr. Lin Chen, although Sister Lazuli was an Android in the past, she is now the leader of the rebellion army. Everyone relied on her to hold on until now."

"Sister Lazuli is very strong, it's a shame that Bojack has five people on his side. If it was one-on-one, except for Bojack, his four henchmen might not be able to win against Sister Lazuli."

Lin Chen nodded, he knew that 18's strength was far from that, and it was probably because she had to take care of the rebellion army and had no time to train, so 18's strength had not improved much.

In fact, if she could put everything down and fully concentrate on training for a period of time, although she might not be able to win against Cell, it is not impossible to defeat Bojack and his gang.

"Right!" Trunks suddenly remembered something.

"Mr. Lin Chen, in fact, you don't need to train me, as long as you and Sister Lazuli work together, you should be able to defeat Bojack and others, right?"

"That's right, but Trunks, I hope you can be the one to eliminate Bojack and his gang."

Patting Trunks' shoulder, Lin Chen said: "After all, this is your world, one should protect their own world."

"I..I'm sorry!" Trunks lowered his head, knowing that his words were indeed inappropriate.

"It's okay, go back and rest well. Tomorrow we will start training, I can guarantee that in no more than two days, you will be able to defeat Bojack."

That night, Lin Chen slept in Dr. Tokunoshin Omori's former residence.

But in the middle of the night, Lin Chen suddenly opened his eyes.

A figure was standing at his feet.


Lin Chen looked at 18, who had appeared in his room, in surprise and then stood up.

"Is there something?"

"I heard you're going to train Trunks?" 18 said in a cold voice.


18 stared at Lin Chen, her ice-blue eyes looking at him coldly.

"Trunks said you're from a parallel universe, Bulma and the others all see you as the hope to save humanity."

She stepped forward, "But they forgot that you are ultimately someone of unknown origin."

"What? You're doubting me?" Lin Chen laughed.

"Yes. Humanity can't afford to lose, as the leader of the rebellion army, I must eliminate all risks."

"So what do you want to do?"

"Fight with me! I want to confirm your strength!"



Soon after, on a desolate planet far from Earth.

Lin Chen and 18 suddenly appeared in the wilderness of this planet.

18 looked around in surprise at the unfamiliar scenery and then turned back: "What kind of magic did you use just now? Where are we?"

"My ability is called Instant Transmission, it allows me to instantly go to any place. We're not on Earth right now, we're on another planet."

"Another planet?" 18 exclaimed in surprise.

"I don't know if Bojack and his gang will sense the Ki or not, but you don't want us to attract their attention while we're fighting, right? It's different here, you can use all your power without anyone noticing."

"Hmph! That's not bad!" 18 sneered and took a stance, "Come on, let me see if you're qualified to teach Trunks anything?"

In the next moment, 18 suddenly charged forward, attacking first.

Lin Chen smiled slightly, thinking in his mind: "System, what is 18's Power Level?"


A number appeared in Lin Chen's eyes.

Android 18, Power Level: 98 million!

That's a pretty good Power Level.

It's important to note that at this time, Bardock and the others, even in their Super Saiyan form, only possess about 30-40 million Power Level, while Android 18 is far stronger than them.

However even then, for Lin Chen, it would only take the normal Super Saiyan 1 form to handle 18.

In an instant, a golden light burst out as Lin Chen transformed into Super Saiyan and then, he raised his hand, waving it towards 18.

Suddenly, several powerful energy waves shot out and managed to send 18 flying.


18 exclaimed in surprise, stabilizing herself in midair and raising her head to continue chasing after Lin Chen, but found that Lin Chen was nowhere to be seen.

At that moment, 18 suddenly felt someone patting her shoulder.

"Hey, I'm over here."

She turned around and saw Lin Chen standing behind her.

18 was startled and quickly retreated, shooting out energy waves from her hands.

But to 18's surprise, Lin Chen simply stared at the energy waves and slowly walked towards her as he raised his hand at her energy waves.

A green energy sphere suddenly expanded, like a large water balloon, and quickly appeared in front of 18.

I'm going to die!

At that moment, 18's mind was suddenly filled with fear.

But just as she panicked, she saw the green energy sphere suddenly fly past her ear and land far away.


A massive green energy sphere suddenly lit up the desolate planet.

As the green radiance dissipated, 18 saw that the planet's surface had been reshaped by Lin Chen's attack.

"Is that enough?"

Hearing Lin Chen's voice beside her ear, 18 suddenly turned around.

"Your..your power should be enough to kill Bojack and his gang directly, why do you still want to train Trunks?"

Lin Chen's lips curled up: "Do you expect that every time danger arises, there will be a savior like me to save the Earth?"

18 suddenly fell silent.

"I understand, then I'll leave Trunks to you."

"I'll guide him well." Lin Chen smiled, and walked forward and took 18's hand, then he returned to Earth with her.