Grand Kai's Planet

The second day, Trunks and others arrived on Lookout with Lin Chen's help.

When Lin Chen spoke about his plan to search for the Namekians and revive Dende, allowing the Earth's Shenron to revive once again, Mr. Popo was so excited that tears appeared in his eyes.

"Really? Kami can be resurrected? That's great! Popo has been so lonely since Kami died!"

Mr. Popo then asked Lin Chen to wait a moment.

Moments later, Mr. Popo came out of Lookout holding seven stones.

"These are the dragon balls. They turned into stones after Kami died. If Kami can be resurrected, we can immediately use Shenron to revive others!"

"That's great! Then everyone, wait a moment, I'll go look for King Kai and confirm the position of the Namekians." Lin Chen said.

Planet Namek in this world was already destroyed during the Frieza era, and later the Namekians collectively moved to another planet.

Since this has not happened in Lin Chen's world, although Lin Chen has a map of the entire universe in his mind, he still doesn't know where the Namekians are.

But King Kai should know about this.

"Mr. Lin Chen, we'll leave it to you!" Everyone sincerely bowed to Lin Chen.

Although more than a decade has passed, everyone still misses their former companions.

Now, those companions are about to return, and many people can't help but shed tears from excitement.

"All right, I'll leave first," Lin Chen said calmly, then disappeared instantly with Instant Transmission.

When he reappeared, he had already arrived in the Other World, on Kai's Planet.

However, when he saw that there was nothing under his feet, Lin Chen was suddenly stunned, and then he reacted.

"Oh no! I forgot that Kai's Planet is gone!"

Lin Chen smacked his head and remembered that during the Cell Games, North Kai's Planet had been destroyed due to Cell's self-destruction.

"I can't believe I forgot this part!"

Lin Chen remembered that in the original work, after the destruction of Kai's Planet, King Kai went to Hell with Goku, and he wasn't sure if the same happened in this world.

Thinking about this, Lin Chen looked down at Snake Way and used Instant Transmission again, this time directly arriving at King Yemma's palace on the other end of Snake Way.

"King Yemma!"

This world's King Yemma was seeing Lin Chen for the first time, but like in Lin Chen's world, King Yemma's face immediately showed a serious expression upon seeing him.

What made King Yemma even more surprised was that he could feel a higher dimensional aura coming from Lin Chen.

Suddenly, the bewildered King Yemma treated Lin Chen as an unknown deity.

"You….Hello, mister, is there anything you need?"

"Hmm?" Lin Chen was somewhat puzzled by King Yemma's respectful attitude, but he immediately put aside his doubt and asked, "King Yemma, I would like to know where North Kai is now?"

"North Kai, he should be on Grand Kai's Planet now."

"Can I go there directly from the Other World?"

"Yes, you can go from there, take the Other World's flight to Grand Kai's Planet."

"That's too slow, just tell me the direction."

"Ye..yes!" King Yemma pointed in a direction and said, "Fly in that direction, about 150,000 kilometers in human distance, and you will arrive."

"Thank you," Lin Chen said, and then employed Instant Transmission.

After Lin Chen left, the little ogre on the side asked, "King Yemma, who was that person just now?"

King Yemma said, "Fools! Couldn't you guys feel the faint divine aura on that senior? That must be a deity from a higher dimension!"

In a much higher dimension than Other World, in a red space, a blue planet slightly smaller than Earth was floating.

In an instant, Lin Chen appeared near this planet.

"Is this the Grand Kai's Planet?"

Lin Chen spread out his senses and indeed found the aura of North Kai that he was familiar with on the planet.

Although North Kai has died, being a deity, he still retained his body and aura even after death.

Lin Chen teleported and when he reappeared, he was on Grand Kai's Planet, near North Kai's aura.

The gentle breeze blew over the green grasslands on the planet, where many warriors with a halo above their heads were undergoing training.

These were Other World warriors who, due to their significant accomplishments in their past lives, were granted permission to retain their physical bodies and come to Grand Kai's Planet for training after death.

Upon Lin Chen's appearance, these warriors glanced at him and continued their training.

Newcomers often join this world, so they were not surprised by Lin Chen's arrival.

However, no one noticed that Lin Chen was different from them as he did not have a halo above his head.

After walking for a while, a strange gorilla appeared from somewhere, staring at Lin Chen with wide eyes, then it tilted its head and shouted "Wu-oh-oh".

"Hello there, Bubbles," Lin Chen greeted casually. "Where's North Kai? I need to see him."

Bubbles seemed to understand Lin Chen's words and pointed in a direction.

Sure enough, there, Lin Chen saw a short, plump figure lying leisurely on a deck chair, snoring loudly.

Before Lin Chen could wake him up, Bubbles jumped over and smacked North Kai's face.


North Kai screamed and got up, "Bubbles!"

But immediately, North Kai noticed Lin Chen in front of him: "Hmm? Who are you?"

"King Kai-sama, I am Lin Chen from Earth."

"Earth?" North Kai stood up abruptly. "Earth hasn't been destroyed yet? I thought the humans there had already been killed by Bojack!"

"Of course not, not only have humans not died, but Bojack has already been killed by us."


North Kai was shocked and quickly investigated Earth using his antennas.

A moment later, he found out that Bojack and his gang had indeed died on Earth!

"How could this be? Bojack is dead? Back then, we four King Kais tried our best, but we could only seal him. Who did it? Could it be Goku? No, Goku can't go to the world of living anymore..."

"It was Vegeta's son, Trunks," Lin Chen explained.


North Kai didn't turn back, but continued his investigation for a while before finally stopping and turning to Lin Chen in amazement. "So, it was all because of you? You're actually a Saiyan from another world?"

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect King Kai to know everything so easily. It seems this is the power of King Kai?

This saved him from a lot of explaining.