Ginyu's ambition and a genius warrior

Looking at the disappearing Dragon Balls, Goku suddenly realized that Slug had not left with the Dragon Balls.

"Great Elder, why didn't you leave?"

"I have something important to do," Slug replied, looking to the side. "Friends from Earth, Cold's subordinates are approaching us. I'm sorry I can't fight with you."

"Huh?" Goku and his companions were stunned, but before they could react, Slug suddenly threw an energy ball into the air.

The energy ball didn't have a target, but as it flew into the air, it released a large amount of light and heat, just like a Solar Flare, obscuring Goku and the others' vision.

In the distance, Abo and Kado brothers' troops, who were aggressively charging over, were also temporarily blinded by the light.

When Goku and others regained their vision, Slug had already disappeared, and so had his aura.

"Goku, what happened to that Great Elder?" Krillin asked, surprised.

"Dad, do you think he ran away?" Gohan guessed.

"I don't know, but Krillin, Gohan, our enemies are here! Get ready to fight!" Goku shook his head.

Almost as soon as Goku finished speaking, at least forty people rushed towards them.

Abo and Kado, who were in the lead, saw the disorderly scene and immediately pointed towards them and ordered, "Attack! Kill them!"


Meanwhile, on Lin Chen's side.

The flames surrounding him turned golden, his hair turned erect and golden, and his cold green eyes became even colder.

Super Saiyan!

This was Super Saiyan!

Burning golden flames, golden hair, and greenish-blue eyes!

Ginyu narrowed his eyes.

Ever since his time with Frieza Force, it has been many years since he had seen Lin Chen's Super Saiyan state with his own eyes.

He looked at the jumping numbers on his Scouter with great admiration.

"160 million... As expected of the Super Saiyan who killed Frieza. After all these years, he's become even stronger than before! If it were an ordinary person, they would truly feel despair!"

Ginyu clenched his fists and thought to himself, "It's a shame you had to cross paths with me. I, Ginyu, won't make the same mistake as Frieza! The title of the universe's strongest warrior doesn't belong to Frost Demons or even to you—it belongs to me, Ginyu!!"

At this moment, Lin Chen sensed that the three wishes of Porunga had been granted and Piccolo was headed towards him.

Lin Chen raised his head and looked at Ginyu with a bright smile on his face.

"Should I call you King Cold or Captain Ginyu?"

Ginyu's expression changed suddenly, and his eyes widened.

His identity has been exposed?

How did he know?

For so many years, he had never shown any flaws, and even Cold's former subordinates had been fooled by him. How did Lin Chen figure it out?

But after a moment, Ginyu regained his composure.

It doesn't matter! He was no longer the Ginyu who had just taken over Cold's body back then.

The current Ginyu, even if his identity was revealed, he had nothing to fear. If anyone dared to oppose him, he would just kill them!

"Hahaha, Saiyan, you're quite something for figuring out my true identity. That's right! I am the former captain of the Ginyu Special Squadron of Frieza Force, Ginyu!"

Regaining his composure, Ginyu posed in the same way as the Ginyu Special Squadron of the past, while speaking with a hoarse voice.

As he revealed his identity with his favorite pose, Ginyu suddenly felt a sense of relief.

Great! This feeling of not having to hide anymore was great!

"I've heard that Captain Ginyu has a unique skill of body-swapping. I didn't expect you to take over King Cold body."

Lin Chen smiled and said, "By the way, was it you back then on the spaceship that escaped from Frieza's mothership? You should thank me. If it weren't for me letting you go, you wouldn't be here today."

"That's right! I have to thank you!" Ginyu sneered. "Thanks to you, I was able to see the true face of the Frost Demons. If it weren't for you killing Frieza and causing me to be sentenced to death by Cold, I wouldn't have had the courage to rise up against him!"

"Now, I have the most powerful body in the universe and the most powerful strength in the multiverse. All of this is thanks to you!"

Lin Chen glanced at Ginyu and laughed, "Just with your current strength? You're not even as good as Frieza back then."

"No, no, no, you've got it all wrong," Ginyu said calmly. "Cold's original strength was indeed inferior to Frieza's. Although he is a Frost Demon, he didn't have the ability to transform into three different forms like Frieza. The difference in their innate talent was simply too great!"

"But now, the owner of this body is me, Ginyu! When it comes to innate talent, I'm definitely not inferior to Frieza!"

"To be honest with you, why do you think I've been hiding and biding my time for so many years after taking over Cold's body until today? It's because I've been training all these years!"


Ginyu raised three fingers to Lin Chen, "Although my current strength may not be as good as yours, I have the same three transformations as Frieza! And right now, I'm just in my first form!"

Three transformations?

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows.

Back then, Frieza's initial Power Level was only 520,000, but after three transformations, he reached a Power Level of over 10 million (in this world).

Now, Ginyu's initial Power Level is already 10 million. How much will his Power Level increase after three transformations?

No wonder Ginyu wasn't intimidated even when facing him.

"Just show me what you're capable of. Let me see how you differ from Frieza," commanded Lin Chen, not bothering to be polite.

"I'm more than happy to oblige," Ginyu replied coldly and then said, "Keep your eyes wide open!"

Ginyu extended his hands, and his body shook violently, soon beginning to transform. First, he transformed into a more muscular giant form than before.

Then, he transformed into a monster resembling an alien.

Finally, Ginyu transformed into a larger version of Frieza's Final Form.

With each transformation, his Power Level underwent a qualitative leap.

Initially, Ginyu's Power Level was already 10 million, which was only slightly lower than the Super Saiyan that Bardock and others initially transformed into.

After the second transformation, his Power Level soared to 20 million.

And with the third transformation, it broke through to 44 million.

However, none of these transformations were as shocking to Lin Chen as Ginyu's Final transformation.

Because when he transformed into the Final Form like Frieza and Cooler, Lin Chen was amazed to find that Ginyu in front of him had a Power Level of over 200 million!

"Over 200 million?" Lin Chen murmured to himself.

You can read all three of my novels (TSLDB, APJ, DBSKS) on the same patreon.

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