Peaceful times

Three months later, Planet Namek's Dragon Balls recovered, and the Namekians who had been resurrected embarked on a journey to their new home.

Just like in the original work, the Namekians did not choose to restore the Planet Namek, but instead chose to go to a new planet.

Lin Chen asked them why they didn't restore the Planet Namek, and learned that firstly, Namekians revered nature, and restoring a destroyed planet went against the laws of nature.

Secondly, because of the actions of the former Elder Slug, the location of Planet Namek had already become widely known in the universe.

If they returned to their former planet, they are bound to encounter space pirates or other evil beings again.

"Mr. Lin Chen, there is still one wish left, and we have decided to give it to you or Mr. Goku, what do you think?"

"We don't need it. Kakarot, do you have any wishes you want to make?"

Knowing that the Namekians were leaving today, Goku, Gohan, and Krillin all came to see them off together with Piccolo, and Tien Shinhan and others, who had already been resurrected.

Upon hearing Lin Chen's words, Goku and others looked at each other.

"Krillin, do you have any wish?"

"Uh….forget it. I don't have anything," Krillin smiled and rubbed his head, not daring to say that he wants to wish for a girlfriend.

Goku couldn't think of anything either, so he looked at Piccolo and the others, but they were the same.

It was Gohan who suddenly had an idea. "Dad, how about we wish to reinforce the Earth? After seeing what happened to Planet Namek, I'm afraid that the Earth might be destroyed in battle in the future."


Goku clapped his hands, agreeing with Gohan's idea.

It was true that with their increasing strength, they were becoming more hesitant to fight on Earth.

For example, Goku and Piccolo were like that.

In these three months, Goku had already challenged Piccolo several times, but they didn't dare to use their full power each time.

With Earth's structure, just the power of Goku transforming into Super Saiyan transformation would already cause strange phenomena in the world. If Piccolo also used his full power, with his Power Level of over 20 million, it was likely that the two of them would destroy the Earth before they even started fighting.

Seeing that everyone had no objections, Moori immediately had Porunga fulfill this wish.

Then, the Namekians used Porunga to find a planet with a similar environment to Planet Namek and moved their entire race to their new home.

Seeing Moori and the others leave, everyone also said their goodbyes one after another.

At this moment, when Goku was about to leave with Gohan, Lin Chen spoke up. "Kakarot, wait a minute."

"Hmm? Mr. Lin Chen, is there something you need?"

Lin Chen said, "Kakarot, are you interested in going to a place to train for a while? There are many magical techniques there."

"Training? Magical techniques?"

Goku's eyes lit up. "Of course I am interested! Mr. Lin Chen, where is it? Is it Planet Vegeta?"

"That planet is called Planet Yardrat. Bulma's older sister Tights once went there to learn Instant Transmission. If you want to go, I can take you there."

"Instant Transmission? I want to go!" Goku exclaimed excitedly.

"Dad, if you go out to train, Mom won't be happy," Gohan pulled on Goku's pants.

Goku didn't care and said, "It's okay. I'll bring back some local products as souvenirs for Chichi, and she won't mind."

Lin Chen listened to their conversation and smiled.

In the original work, when Planet Namek collapsed, Goku boarded the spacecraft of the Ginyu Forces and this turn of events led him to an adventure on Planet Yardrat, where he acquired the Instant Transmission ability.

But in this world, with Lin Chen around, everyone uses Instant Transmission to move aroubd, so Goku didn't have a chance to go to Planet Yardrat.

Instant Transmission would be an essential skill for Goku in the future, and Lin Chen didn't want him to miss it because of him. So, he brought it up to him.

Moreover, if he hasn't guessed wrong, if he does it, he will most likely receive a Time Point.

Sure enough, not long after Lin Chen helped Goku get permission to step foot on Planet Yardrat, he heard a prompt from the system.

"Ding! Confirming that history has been revised, congratulations host for obtaining 1 Time Point!"

"Well, this is probably the last time I'll get Time Points for a while," Lin Chen sighed.

With the destruction of the Frost Demon Clan and Dr. Gero's surrender, Lin Chen felt that his world would likely enter a long period of peace for the foreseeable future.

In the future, if he wanted to get Time Points, he would have to wait for the Majin Buu Saga to happen.

Sure enough, the following days were peaceful, and there were no more disturbances on Planet Vegeta or Earth.

One day, Lin Chen was enjoying family life with Tights and others in the palace. Meanwhile, Lazuli was playing with Lin Luo and Taro on the side.

As time passed, the two children increasingly began to reveal their respective exceptional qualities.

Lin Luo, as a hybrid, was born with a Power Level equivalent to that of a High-level warrior from the past Planet Vegeta. Many people were optimistic about his future.

Taro, on the other hand, had a Power Level of only 5 when he was born, but his Power Level grew almost every day. Now, at just over three months old, Taro's Power Level was almost catching up to Lin Luo's.

Lin Chen and others analyzed the abnormalities of this child and finally determined that Taro may have inherited the unique bloodline of the Legendary Super Saiyan that he fused with. As time goes by, his Power Level will grow on its own.

Because it is Lin Chen's improved version of Legendary Super Saiyan bloodline that he inherited, Taro's initial Power Level was relatively low, and his growth rate was not as impressive as Broly's.

But it can be expected that in the near future, this kid will be a formidable character.

The lives of four adults and two children were peaceful and happy, bringing a different kind of joy to Lin Chen.

But this happiness was suddenly disturbed by the just revived Bardock.

"Your Majesty, Dr. Gero has arrived and is waiting in the conference hall."

"Dr. Gero? Hasn't he been busy all this time? Why does he have time to come to Planet Vegeta?" Lin Chen wondered.

Beside him, Lazuli, who was playing with the two children, couldn't help but stop and prick up her ears.

Lazuli had heard about the Dr. Gero of this world a long time ago, but she had never seen him with her own eyes.

As an Android created by Dr. Gero of another world, Lazuli was particularly sensitive and curious towards this name.

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