*Title Hidden*

After going crazy, Cell erupted into a furious roar, his body suddenly swelling.

At the same time, his aura also skyrocketed significantly.

"How is this possible? Cell still has been hiding his power?" Trunks exclaimed in fear.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a transformation that increases strength by expanding the muscles. This kind of transformation solely pursues power and completely disregards balance. It might be effective against us, but it won't work on Broly," Piccolo said with some ease.

Cell's transformation principle is similar to Namekian's Giant Form, so he immediately saw the drawback.

Sure enough, the enlarged Cell was full of power but incredibly clumsy. Broly couldn't be bothered to engage with him and easily dodged two punches. Then, his fists, like bullets, continuously struck Cell's enlarged abdomen.

When the body enlarges, the vulnerable areas also increase, making it easier for Broly to attack.

Cell's eyes widened, and his eyeballs almost popped out.

Suddenly, Cell's mouth opened wide, accompanied by a pained scream. Future World's Android 18 was unexpectedly spat out from Cell's mouth.

To everyone's astonishment, the Super Perfect Form Cell suddenly reverted directly to the hideous second form.

"Cell's form reverted?"

"That's great! We've won!"

Seeing Cell's form revert, Piccolo and Trunks felt relieved.

The current Cell could be dealt with even by them.

"I... I..."

Seeing Android 18 lying on the ground, Cell felt like he was in an icy cave, filled with regret.

If only he had listened to Dr. Gero's advice and absorbed those two Androids early on, he wouldn't have ended up like this!

"Darn it! Darn it!"

Amidst a wave of unwilling roars, Cell despairingly saw a bright emerald light emanating from Broly's hand.

But at that moment, it suddenly heard a voice.

"Enough, Broly, step aside!"

Broly nodded and returned to normal state, stepping back.

What's going on?

Cell was puzzled.

And at this time, Lin Chen flew over and stood in front of Cell, his face indifferent. "Cell, absorb Android 17 and 18!"

Hearing this, Cell was immediately shocked.

And Piccolo and the others were shocked as well.

"Mr. Lin Chen! What are you doing?"

"Teacher, quickly kill Cell!"

"Lin Chen! Have you gone mad?"

After a brief stupor, Cell also asked, "L-Lin Chen, what do you mean by this...?"

"Don't you understand? I want you to absorb these three Androids. Weren't you unwilling? I'm giving you a chance to start over. Absorb Future World's Android 18, and then go and absorb those two Androids, 17 and 18. Cell, I want to see just how strong the Ultimate Android can be," Lin Chen said indifferently.

At this moment, everyone present, except for Broly, fell into a daze.

What did Lin Chen just say?

He actually wants Cell to become the Ultimate Perfect Form?

Didn't he consider the possibility that he might not be able to handle Cell?

Thinking of this, Lazuli and the others immediately wanted to stop Lin Chen.

But at that moment, Cell moved.

Regardless of what Lin Chen's true intentions were, Cell only knew that if it didn't seize this opportunity, there would only be one outcome—death!

No matter what, it had a sliver of a chance only by becoming the Ultimate Perfect Form envisioned by Dr. Gero!

"Come back! Android 18!"

Cell swiftly rushed to the fallen Android 18 and swallowed her back with its tail.

With a boom, Cell reverted to its former Super Perfect Form.

However, its complexion was pale and far from fully recovered.

Next, its gaze turned towards the trapped Android 17 and 18.

But at that moment, Lazuli had already rushed to their side, shielding them.

"Lin Chen! I don't care what you're thinking! You absolutely cannot let it absorb them!" Lazuli exclaimed.

Before Lazuli could finish her sentence, Lin Chen instantly moved to her side, using Instant Transmission to bring her back to Piccolo and the others.

"Lazuli, trust me, everything will be fine."

"Lin Chen! Don't be too overconfident! We don't know what that monster will become! What if you can't handle him either?" Piccolo said angrily.

However, Lin Chen said, "Shut up. In his current state, I can crush him with just one hand. Let it continue evolving; I have my own intentions!"

Piccolo wanted to say more, but Lazuli waved her hand, saying, "Alright, it's up to you, but once this is done, you have to use the Dragon Balls to resurrect Android 17 and 18!"


Upon hearing Lin Chen's answer, Lazuli turned and walked over to Android 16, checking his injuries.

16 looked at this unfamiliar yet familiar Android in front of him and asked, "Aren't you going to dissuade him?"

"Don't worry, since he said so, he must have a plan."

Lazuli felt that since Lin Chen had spoken, he must be confident. After all, in her heart, Lin Chen was like a god, capable of anything.

After dealing with Lazuli, Lin Chen turned his attention to Cell, looking impatient. "Cell, get on with it!"

To be honest, if given the choice, Lin Chen would never allow Cell to have the chance to grow stronger.

But he had no choice. Why did his system have to cause trouble at this moment?

Lin Chen's current actions trace back to when he and Broly emerged from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

Outside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Lin Chen saw the message left by Tights.

When he learned that the two Dr. Gero had brought Cell, Lin Chen was somewhat surprised. He didn't expect that Future Dr. Gero would actually create Cell and bring him here.

"Ding! Host has encountered Cell's attack, triggering the strongest choices!"

"Choice one: Eliminate both Dr. Gero and Cell. Reward: Android Cell' blueprint."

"Choice two: Eliminate Android 17 and 18, preventing Cell from becoming the Ultimate Android. Reward: Eternal Energy Core."

"Choice three: Defeat the Ultimate Cell, who has absorbed two Android 17 and 18. Reward: Elementary Power of Destruction!"

When the voice of the system sounded in his mind, Lin Chen couldn't help but take a deep breath.

The system was causing trouble again.

However, this time, Lin Chen didn't think too much and made his choice.

"System, I choose three!"

"Ding! The host has selected the choice. Please complete the mission as soon as possible!"

Although Choice three was the most troublesome and dangerous mission, in the face of generous rewards, Lin Chen didn't need to consider too much.

Power of Laws belonged to the abilities of gods. Unless one had a great opportunity, ordinary people would find it difficult to comprehend even the most basic Power of Laws.

This time, the system offering the reward of the Power of Laws, Lin Chen naturally didn't need to think too much.

Chapter 261 Absorb them and Lin Chen's choice!

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