Invitation from Two Gods

"I'm starting!"

Shortly after, Lin Chen's home was filled with two cheerful voices.

Then came the sound of everyone eating heartily.

After a while, the burping sounds followed suit.

Whis and Chronoa were lying on the chairs while holding their stomachs with satisfied expressions, unable to muster the strength to speak.

Lin Chen picked his teeth and couldn't help but find it amusing.

Are these guys really gods?

They all look like starving ghosts, to be honest.

Could it be that as gods, they only eat simple meals?

After a moment, Whis and Chronoa finally recovered.

Whis patted his belly and said to Lazuli, "Miss Lazuli, your cooking skills are truly excellent."

"Thank you, I learned it all from Tights," Lazuli smiled.

"By the way, where are Miss Tights and the others?" Whis asked.

Lazuli replied, "They are all on Planet Vegeta. Lin Luo and Taro have grown up, and Tights and Hanasia believe it's time for them to start receiving Saiyan training."

"Oh, I see," Whis nodded.

After listening to their conversation, Lin Chen couldn't hold back any longer and asked, "Mr. Whis, and Chronoa-sama, now that you've had your fill, could you tell us why you came here?"

"Don't tell me you just came here to mooch a meal."

Whis and Chronoa burst into laughter upon hearing this.

Then, they glanced at each other and Whis spoke first, "Lin Chen, I have witnessed everything happening on Earth from God of Destruction's Planet. I never expected that you have already fused three Power of Laws. Apart from your foundation being a little weak and your use of Power of Laws slightly lacking, your strength is almost approaching Beerus-sama."

Lin Chen smiled wryly; he knew Whis was being polite, but in reality, the disparity was much wider.

If Beerus' strength is considered as 10, Lin Chen felt he was currently only at 4.

But what was Whis getting at with all this?

"Mr. Whis, are you inviting me again to be God of Destruction's candidate?"

"That won't do!"

Before Whis could explain, Chronoa interjected, "Mr. Whis, don't forget that Lin Chen is currently a mercenary for my Time Patrol!"

"Oh, hehe... you're overthinking it. I didn't come for Lin Chen," Whis chuckled, waving his hand.


"Not for me?"

Whis explained, "Yes, that's right. The truth is, while observing your battle with Androids, I unexpectedly discovered another candidate who is highly suitable to become a God of Destruction candidate. So, I'm not here for Lin Chen, but to look for this person."

"A God of Destruction candidate? Who?"


Hearing Whis mention Broly's name, Lin Chen was surprised, but also felt that it was natural.

After all, in this world, Broly is somewhat similar to Jiren from Universe 11, possessing innate power that is close to or even surpassing that of a God of Destruction.

Although Broly's strength is still a bit away from a God of Destruction, with his talent, becoming as powerful as Beerus is only a matter of time.

"I actually observed all of you Saiyans and found quite a few with great potential, like Goku and Vegeta, they are both impressive. However, when comparing, the two most likely to become God of Destruction are you and Broly."

"Since you have no intention of becoming a God of Destruction, I wanted to ask, would you be willing to let Broly become God of Destruction's candidate?"

"Broly, huh?" Lin Chen rubbed his chin, "Let Broly decide that. Please wait here; I'll go get him."

After saying that, Lin Chen used Instant Transmission to head to Lookout.

Ever since the Cell Games ended, Broly has been staying here for the time being to mourn the late Kami who is never going to come back.

"God of Destruction? Me?"

When Broly, looking puzzled, was brought by Lin Chen in front of Whis and heard the purpose of the visit, he became even more confused.

"Apologies, mister, but I have no idea what God of Destruction even does."

"Just consider it a god maintaining the balance of the universe. I'm well aware of your strength, although there's still some disparity, however in a few decades, you will undoubtedly reach the level of Beerus-sama. If you receive training from me, this time can be shortened."

Broly shook his head, "No, I'm not interested in becoming a god or anything like that..."

"That's not necessarily true," Whis smiled, "I know you have the Legendary Super Saiyan bloodline, right? In my view, that bloodline is somewhat skewed towards demonization, a bloodline tainted by evil power."

"Tainted by evil power?" Broly was taken aback.

"That's right. Although I don't know how it happened, your bloodline is undeniably powerful, but inherently evil. Although you are currently restraining it with your immense willpower, as you grow stronger, that evil power will also grow. And by that time, even if you possess immense willpower, you might struggle to control it."

"But if you choose to become a God of Destruction, I can teach you special techniques to control that evil power. How about it?"


Upon hearing that he might lose control again in the future, Broly didn't hesitate and nodded, "Alright, I'm willing!"

On the side, Lin Chen also asked, "Mr. Whis, you mentioned Broly might lose control again, what about me?"

Lin Chen also possesses the Legendary Super Saiyan bloodline. Although he hasn't experienced losing control ever since he broke through the Legendary Super Saiyan 2 form, Whis' words made him a little nervous.

Fortunately, Whis said, "You don't need to worry. Your bloodline is a bit different from Broly's, more like a mutated version. That evil power is no longer present. However, similarly, your strength grows much slower than Broly, isn't that right?"

Lin Chen felt relieved upon hearing this.

With Whis' matter resolved, it was now Chronoa's turn to explain.

Her purpose was somewhat similar to what Lin Chen had anticipated.

Since signing the employment agreement with Lin Chen, Chronoa hadn't come to find him yet, but that didn't mean she had forgotten about their arrangement. She was here to hold Lin Chen to his promise.

"Lin Chen, recently several timelines have experienced anomalies, as if someone is intentionally disrupting time! This is a major crisis, and I need you to immediately investigate those timelines for me!" Chronoa said.

"A major crisis? Supreme Kai of Time-sama, then why are you leisurely here eating with me?" Lin Chen asked in puzzlement.

"Huh?" Chronoa was taken aback for a moment before awkwardly laughing.

[TN: Hey, everyone, I will release two chapters for 100 power stones and 10 reviews.]

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