The planet shrouded in the air of death!

"Why is it so?"

Gohan couldn't help but speak, "Didn't that happen a long time ago? Isn't it better to let the past stay in the past?"

"The Tuffles don't seem to think so," Vegeta coldly snorted, turned to Bulma and asked, "Bulma, is there a way to deal with that gas?"

"I'll find a way, but it will take time. In the meantime, why don't you all protect yourselves with these masks?"

As Bulma distributed masks from the spaceship, she continued, "Based on my current investigation, this gas is definitely artificially synthesized. So, until I find a way to counter it, you might want to try destroying the devices spreading the gas. That could at least lessen the impact."

"Sounds good!"

Vegeta nodded, "Kakarot, take me to Planet Vegeta!"

"I'm coming too." Lazuli volunteered, "I'm an Android, so the gas shouldn't affect me much."

"I'm going too! Since Links isn't here, I must protect his planet!" Hanasia added.

"Dad, can I also come with you?" Gohan asked Goku.

Seeing this, both Lin Luo and Taro raised their hands.

Initially, Tights didn't agree, but Hanasia felt that as Saiyan Princes, the two had a responsibility to protect the kingdom.

And so, except for Trunks and Goten who were too young and were ordered to stay on the spaceship, the rest gathered around Goku. Then, he used Instant Transmission to arrive on the planet together with them.

Planet Vegeta at that moment was a scene of horror.

"So tragic!"

That was everyone's first impression upon arriving.

All over the planet, Saiyans and aliens lay on the ground, unconscious from inhaling too much Destron Gas.

Fortunately, upon closer inspection, they realized these people could still be saved.

"Let's split into two groups!" Goku suggested, "Some of us save the people, while others look for those machines!"

Given the urgency, no one objected.

Soon, the group split into two teams.

Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Lin Luo, Taro, and Piccolo formed one group, responsible for searching for the gas-spreading devices.

The other group consisted of the other Earth's Z warriors, along with Lazuli and Hanasia, tasked with moving people to the Saiyan Palace.

Compared to outside, the toxic gas' concentration was lower inside.

Moreover, Lazuli had an important task to deal with– finding the Dragon Balls. If things went wrong, they'd have to rely on divine dragon to resolve the crisis.

As they couldn't stay in the Destron Gas for too long, both groups immediately set out.

"Dad! Look over there! Someone's fighting!"

Goku's group, tasked with searching for gas devices, had already destroyed several. However, at that moment, they noticed a battle happening in the distance.

"Let's go, let's go over there and see!"

Seeing the situation, Goku immediately took the lead and flew toward the location where the battle had erupted out.

"It's Grandpa!"

As everyone gradually approached the battlefield, Gohan shouted again.

Actually, it wasn't necessary for him to say anything, as everyone had felt it too. One party fighting was Bardock and others from Planet Vegeta.

As they got closer and looked, it turned out to be true.

On one side of the battle were Bardock and several powerful Saiyans from Planet Vegeta. They were assisted in combat by a group of the latest model Metal Saibamen No. 7.

On the opposing side of the battle were peculiar-looking monsters.

Some had round heads, while others resembled kappa. In short, they were creatures none of them had ever seen before.

These monsters were numerous and seemed to possess considerable strength, able to match the Metal Saibamen No. 7.


Goku rushed forward and kicked one of the monsters in front, sending it flying.

"What's going on?"


Seeing Goku and the others behind him, Bardock's face lit up, "Great! You've come at the perfect time!"

"What's going on?"

Vegeta raised his hand and unleashed an energy blast, scattering a large group of monsters.

"Bardock, these guys are nothing special. Why are you struggling?"

"It's the black gas..." Bardock gasped, "After absorbing too much of it, we can't access our energy anymore. Tarble and the others can't even transform into Super Saiyan God. Only a few of us can hold on, and luckily, we have the Metal Saibamen No. 7. Otherwise, we might not have made it this far!"

"Dad, leave this to us. Princess Hanasia is assisting others in the palace. You guys should go rest!"

Bardock looked at the overwhelmingly one-sided battle that had changed due to the arrival of Goku and the others, and couldn't help but feel a bit sentimental, realizing he seemed to have grown old. Not just Goku, he found it increasingly difficult to even keep up with kids like Gohan.

"I understand, Kakarot. I'm entrusting this to you."

Bardock nodded and then pointed towards the rear of the monsters, "Over there is the spaceship launch site. There's a large machine there emitting most of the black gas in the capital. If we destroy it, at least the capital can be temporarily safe."

"Leave it to us..."

Just as Goku spoke, Lin Luo and Taro, who had overheard their conversation, had already flown ahead toward the launch site.

Seeing the light emitted by the two as they flew, Bardock became nervous, "Are those the two princes? Kakarot, hurry over! You mustn't let the princes get hurt!"

"Don't worry, Dad. These two are quite powerful now!" Goku said with a relaxed expression.

He wasn't exaggerating. Just as the two brothers were still in mid-flight, they both transformed into Super Saiyan simultaneously.

And their appearances were slightly different from regular Super Saiyans. Lin Luo's aura had a trace of blue lightning, while Taro's body had suddenly swelled up, becoming almost taller and bulkier than Gohan.

Seeing one of them transform into Super Saiyan 2 and the other into Legendary Super Saiyan, Bardock couldn't help but smile.

Those two were truly the children of that adult.

"Taro! Look! That must be the machine releasing this foul gas, right?"

At that moment, Lin Luo and Taro had already reached the launch site.

Both of them immediately spotted a red machine on the control platform of the launch site, emitting black gas.

"I've got this!"

Taro shouted, forming a shining green energy sphere in his hand.

"Eraser Cannon!"

The energy sphere flew toward the machine, about to destroy it. However, at that moment, a dark figure suddenly darted over, swatting Taro's Eraser Cannon away.

The green energy sphere landed in the distance, erupting into a tremendous explosion.

But the red machine remained intact.

[TN: Hey, everyone, give 1 more review to the novel and I will release 1 extra chapter for completing half the milestone.]

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