Test 2

The first person was called forward. So he stood up and walked to the crystal. He walked oozing arrogance and self-entitlement. He was none other than a potential A ranker. He was the leader of the Red and White group. They had decided since they are the A rankers they get to get their results first. Everyone else followed this trend. So following Red and White A was Blue and Green A. After them Red and White B and then Blue and Green B. And so it continued until Blue and Green F. According to the crystal Lucas only had rank E potential so he was all the way at the back. He sat in the middle of the last Blue E rank and between the first Red F rank.

When he got to the crystal he looked at it waiting to get the go ahead. He knew by now all he had to do was put his hand on the crystal and his results would be announced. But the official wasn't looking at him but was looking at the people still in rows. Then the official said, " This test is slightly different. When you put your hand on the crystal it will prick you and use your blood to test your affinity to magic. Just like before do not remove your hand before I say so. Also, we will only be testing your affinity to the elements first and from there we can determine what magic you can do. We determine this by checking the colour of the crystal. The crystal will shine a colour different to your natural element. So if you a white-skinned person who has an affinity for fire magic the crystal will show red and not pink. If you can cast fire and water the crystal will appear purple. That's all."

The official looked at the student and said, " You can put your hand on the crystal,". So he put his hand on the crystal. Then the crystal pricked him and his blood was drawn from his hand into the crystal. And without further delay, the crystal shone a blue colour. The official then said, " your element other than your natural one is water." The leader wasn't happy with his results. He wanted fire too as fire has the highest destructive power. Or even earth was acceptable to him but water is a female element he thought. Dejected he left the crystal and walked to the other side. He wondered if he would still be able to keep his position as the leader of the A rankers with such poor results. But the other people's results had yet to be confirmed and this comforted him.

The official called the next person. He touched the crystal and the colour was a lighter blue than the one previously seen. The official then said, " You have air and water as your other elements." The student was so happy to see had that he had an affinity to 3 elements. Fire his natural, water and air. He sat down behind the guy who went first. But before he did he looked at him and gave him a smug smile. The leader was fuming inside and trying not to show it he immediately looked at the ground and began mumbling under his breath. And so the official called next again. The result was red. And so it continued until all the red and white skinned A rankers were done.

The first A rank Blue skinned person walked to the crystal and placed his hand on it. When he did the crystal pricked him. Shortly after the crystal shone pink. The official said, " Air and fire". He rejoiced as he walked away from the crystal. After this of the A rankers, no one else had 2 other additional elements. Most of them had 1 extra one and some of them even had none. The B rankers had the same trend. Out of all of them, only 4 people had 2 additional elements the rest had 1 or none. But in the C rank, the first upset happened. A green skinned person walked to the crystal then he touched it. Afterwards, it shone a light purple colour. The whole place was in an uproar. The boy was jumping around with excitement. This meant that he had an affinity with every single element. The rest of the C's were the same as the ones above. In the D rank, 20 people have 2 additional elements. And the E rank, 30 people have 2 additional elements. This was because as the ranks get lower the number of people increase. It was now Lucas's turn.

The official called him up to the crystal. The official was very bored after calling out results for the past 30 minutes. But his eyes lit up when he saw Lucas. Because this was the first time he was testing someone with a different skin colour to the norm. He told Lucas what to do and so Lucas put his hand on the crystal and once he did it pricked him as it did to the other people. Lucas was smiling because he already knew he could cast every single elemental spell. That would mean he would be praised for it like the previous guy. But Lucas kept waiting for the crystal to respond to his talents. But nothing happened. The crystal didn't show any additional colour at all... The official then said, " No extra element." And he was thoroughly disappointed he had hoped to see different results. Lucas lost his smile after he heard the results. But everyone else seemed to gain a smile. The whole room started laughing. It was comical to see Lucas's reaction when he realized that he had no " extra element". Lucas was thick-skinned but he was feeling quite embarrassed. Even though he was technically a prodigy when it comes to Elemental magic due to his blessings. It sucked that the crystal couldn't read it.

Lucas walked away from the crystal and sat down with all the others that had completed their tests. Once he got there many people had their hands in front of their mouths trying to stop themselves from laughing. Lucas was quite curious as to why the crystal didn't pick anything up. So Lucas thought, " Thea why didn't the crystal show any colour."

" The crystal shows additional elements. Since your elemental success came from the God of the multiverse it's the same as if you were born with it. As such the crystal shows blank because every element is your natural element. "

" Oh, I see. Thank you, Thea." Lucas thought.

Once he knew the reason behind the problem he no longer felt embarrassed in fact he was happy. He was better than everyone here. You can use your natural element better than the one you have an affinity for. As such your natural element will always have spells that are stronger than the other one. Which makes Lucas better than the rest because everything is a natural element to him.

After Lucas reclaimed his normal composure the giggling and the snide remarks and jokes stopped. Then the F rank did their test and of the 20 people none of them had 2 extra elements but many had one extra element and a few had none.

After everyone was tested another badge appeared on their clothes. This time the colour that showed on the crystal was on the badge. With a number to indicate the number of additional elements you have. If the crystal was clear you do not receive a badge.

The official then said, " You all, well most you just received a badge with different colours on I'm sure you, yourself know what it means best. And a select few have also been awarded an extra badge. If you have the extra badge it means you do not need to take part in test 3 if you do not want to. To have achieved this badge you need to have a mana potential of B rank and above and 2 additional elements and above. The only exception was the C ranker who has 3 additional elements. Test 3 will take place tomorrow. From here you will be escorted to your various dorms, houses etc. Where you can practice your elemental spells for test 3."