Chapter One-Hundred-Five

The sharing ability skill worked for sure, because behind me, laying on the floor half-sitting, is a red-haired lady with brown widen eyes staring at her own fingers, her wavy long hair having just enough ledge to cover her naked body.

A dead giveaway of the identity of this strange woman was the pair of ears on top of her head, flickering back, somewhat socked. 

While most of us here surprised by the change, staring at the woman as she moves her fingers and toes with an odd expression on her face, I was unmoved and rather calm by it as I hear the wolfhound on the side say:

"Wait, Lightfang? How did you… W-we can change forms like that?!?" Well, I wouldn't say that it was common but just now I realize that, for others, it must be rather unthinkable to be able to change forms like this. "I-I can change like that too?"